Can satellites like Starlink deplete Earth’s ozone layer? Tech & Science Daily podcast

Listen here on your chosen podcast platform. A team from the University of Southern California claims their research indicates that megasatellite constellations, such as SpaceX’s Starlink, spew large amounts of alumina gas into the atmosphere that could deplete the ozone layer. The ozone layer in Earth’s atmosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which … Read more

Scientists are growing crops with salt water that could save us from starvation

The SaliCrop team from left to right: Oron Bet Or, Carmit Oron, Ṛcā Godbole, Sharon Devir, Shimon Rachmilevitch.Guy Shery An agricultural technology company has developed an army of resilient crops by growing them with salt water. These crops are better at surviving saline soils, which is a growing problem in our warming world. Salt-ravaged soil … Read more