Deadly heat in Mexico and the US becomes 35 times more likely due to global warming

The deadly heat wave that has ravaged large parts of Mexico, Central America and the southern US in recent weeks has become 35 times more likely due to human-induced global warming, according to research from leading climate scientists at World Weather Attribution (WWA). Tens of millions of people suffered dangerous day and night temperatures as … Read more

Sweet spots of holiday homes – where you can escape the scorching summers

If you’re likely to expect balmy temperatures of around 25 degrees Celsius, Gotland is ideal, with its sandy beaches and pastel-colored houses Most people’s idea of ​​packing for a summer vacation in Europe involves packing swimwear, shorts, and plenty of sunscreen into a suitcase. When she visits her holiday home in France, Lebby Eyres does … Read more

Water crises are a growing problem on the Caribbean islands

In the popular imagination, the Caribbean is a paradise, an exotic place to escape to. But behind the images of balmy beaches and lush hotel grounds lies a crisis unlike anything residents have ever experienced. The Caribbean islands are in a water crisis and their governments have warned that water scarcity could become the new … Read more

Spanish droughts threaten the summer holidays

‘New climate reality’: the church in the Sau reservoir, Catalonia, used to be flooded by water – Artur Debate The hilltop Parador de Vic-Sau, a stately hotel near Girona in northeastern Spain, whose main selling point is spectacular views over the vast Sau reservoir. An old belfry protrudes from the water, a reminder of the … Read more