You’re never too old to fly, but here are the health risks you should consider

Older travelers are more sensitive to the risks of flying – Svitlana Hulko/Getty Images

While many people the monarch’s age may prefer to take it easy after cancer treatment, the king plans to fly to Australia this fall and has said he remains “hopeful it will go ahead.” Even the most direct flight from Britain to Down Under takes 16 and a half hours in the air.

The most common complaint among older travelers is the excessive cost of vacation insurance, as premiums generally increase once you turn 65. This is because the risks of flying, and traveling in general, increase as we get older. While the king clearly does not have to worry about the financial sanctions, his medical team will certainly take into account the increased health risks associated with air travel.

Not that age should ever hinder the spirit of adventure. As an 82-year-old travel writer and author of Taking the risk, Hilary Bradt says: “It’s laughable that someone aged 65 is considered ‘old’ when it comes to flying. I recently spent two consecutive nights on a plane in the company of several people older than me.”

Whether your own approach is enthusiastic or more cautious, here are things worth considering before booking your flight.

What are the specific health concerns surrounding flying as you get older?

“Like other activities, flying long distances is harder on your body as you get older,” says Dr Dev Patel, a GP in Portsmouth and former Royal Navy doctor with experience in aviation medicine.

“Older travelers are more sensitive to the risks of flying due to their reduced mobility and their increased susceptibility to dehydration,” he explains. “Anyone who takes a plane, especially on long-haul flights, is at risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It is a small risk, but it increases with age.

“Additionally, existing health conditions such as heart disease and respiratory problems can be exacerbated by air travel, especially for a sustained number of hours. I personally don’t know the king’s medical background, but I think it’s great that he doesn’t let his cancer diagnosis hold him back. And he will certainly be accompanied by his medical team, so if he pays close attention, there is no reason why he should not fly.”

No matter how environmentally conscious the king is, it is unlikely that he will fly economy class.

“He will probably have the luxury of having more room to move around, which is important,” Dr. Patel adds. “But like any adult pilot, there are measures he must take to stay as safe as possible.”

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall travel through BahrainThe Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall travel through Bahrain

The King remains hopeful his visit to Australia will be a success – Chris Jackson/Getty Images

How to avoid DVT

Older adults are at a higher-than-average risk for DVT, which happens when a blood clot forms in your deep veins and blocks blood flow, usually in your legs. Travel-related DVT can occur due to prolonged immobility from sitting in a cramped seat with limited leg room.

For healthy people, the absolute risk of developing DVT on a flight of less than four hours is one in 106,667 flights. But for flights of more than 16 hours, this rises to one in 1,264 flights. This risk would be even greater at age 75.

“It is crucial that you try to create as much movement as possible on board,” says Dr. Patel. “Try to get up every two to three hours and walk down the aisle while the seat belt signs are off. If you can get close to the toilet, there is usually more room to do some gentle stretching. And ideally book a seat with extra legroom.

“Even if you’re just sitting in your chair, stretch your calves and rotate your feet as many times as you can remember. There is strong evidence to support the use of compression stockings as a preventative measure as they improve blood circulation in the legs, reducing the risk of blood clot formation.”

For older travelers or those with a history of DVT, talk to your healthcare provider about the possibility of taking anticoagulant medications.

Some people believe that taking aspirin before a long flight helps prevent DVT, but its effectiveness is up for debate, says Dr. Patel. “While some research suggests that aspirin may provide some protection, especially for people at higher risk, other research has found no significant benefits, or has highlighted potential risks associated with aspirin use, such as gastrointestinal bleeding.” It is essential to consult your doctor before starting any new medication regimen, including aspirin, during air travel.

Young man with thrombosis or varicose veins puts on stretchy medical compression stockingsYoung man with thrombosis or varicose veins puts on stretchy medical compression stockings

Compression stockings can help as a preventive measure for DVT – Roman Lacheev/Alamy Stock Photo

The need to stay hydrated

“This really is one of the most crucial flying advice at any age as cabin air is very dry,” says Dr Patel. “I would advise avoiding caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee and certainly alcohol (yes, even if it’s included for free) as these will only dehydrate you further. The gold standard advice is to drink only water. Don’t wait until you get thirsty, just keep drinking. If it means you have to go to the toilet more, you will also exercise more.”

Be aware that you are taking any medications

“If you are taking medications such as pills for high blood pressure or other pre-existing conditions and cross time zones, discuss with your doctor whether you should take your medications at home at your usual time or switch to the local time zone. ,” says Dr. Patel.

The inexpensive pill boxes sold at the pharmacy that are divided and labeled by days of the week can be useful for keeping track of medications. Half the fun of traveling is trying new foods, but it’s wise to check that nothing you’re likely to eat will interact with your medications or health conditions.

High altitude if you have heart or lung disease

The changes in cabin air pressure, reduced oxygen levels and limited access to medical care can make traveling with pre-existing lung conditions more risky.

People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may have difficulty breathing at high altitudes. While the dry and recirculated cabin air can worsen respiratory complaints. Air travel can trigger asthma, and exposure to allergens or irritants on the plane can worsen asthma symptoms.

“It is essential that anyone with lung disease contacts their healthcare provider before flying and receives personalized recommendations,” says Dr. Patel. “In some cases, supplemental oxygen or adjustments to the medication regimen can make flying more comfortable.

Flying with pre-existing conditions (including cancer and dementia)

“Cancer is a process, but not a single disease, so when it comes to flying there is no one-size-fits-all rule,” says Dr. Patel. “Fitness for flying depends very much on the individual, although the risk of DVT is greater if someone has cancer, so considering preventative measures is important.”

Air travel is generally not advised for the month after surgery. With regard to people with dementia, Dr. Patel says, it would be extremely wise to travel with someone close to them. “Unfamiliar environments can be very unsettling. Airlines may also have a policy for this, so it’s worth checking with them before booking.”

“Even with mild dementia it would be wise to inform the crew on board so they are aware of this and have a letter from your doctor to support this.”

What are the benefits of flying when you are older?

Travel broadens the mind and enriches your life, regardless of your age. The Telegraph’s hotel expert Fiona Duncan, 70, says: “The good thing about getting older is that I’m no longer a nervous flyer,” she says. “I am much more relaxed. I know I’ve had a good life.”

Duncan’s most recent long-haul flight was to India last October. She says her fragile sleep patterns were disrupted for days after she arrived and weeks after returning home. But “mild sleeping pills helped me break the cycle of waking up at odd hours.”

“In all my years of flying long distance, I have always been amazed at the miracle of being at Heathrow Airport one minute and then just a few hours later being somewhere incredible and exciting,” says Duncan. “It has been the great privilege of my life.”

Meanwhile, seasoned traveler Hilary Bradt – who hitchhiked in Germany last year – says: “I wish we weren’t so focused on safety instead of enjoyment these days. My only advice – to the king and to everyone in their seventies, eighties and older – is: just do it.”


Don’t let DVT ruin your holiday

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