10 Best and Worst Foods, from Dietitians

Leaky gut may be a buzzword, but scientists have been studying it for decades. It’s about how the wall of your intestines absorbs food molecules. Your intestines have a barrier consisting of epithelial tissue, mucus and a large population of bacteria: your microbiome. Normally this barrier is selective in what passes through it. Nutrients and water get a pass. Not toxins.

But sometimes this barrier does not function properly. Menka Gupta, MBBS, M.Sc., IFMCP, physician and founder of Nutra Nourish, says: “Leaky gut is a condition in which the lining of the digestive tract becomes damaged. This allows undigested food particles, harmful bacteria and toxins to enter the bloodstream. This can cause inflammation and cause health problems such as digestive problems, resistant weight loss, autoimmune diseases, joint pain, depression and chronic fatigue.”

Pictured recipe: Granola bars with blueberries and cashew nuts

It’s not yet taught in medical school, so it’s a bit of a mystery, says Gupta. However, research shows that it may be linked to a poor diet and lead to obesity and various diseases. And it is very common.

Supriya Rao, MD, a gastroenterologist practicing in Massachusetts, says, “Leaky gut syndrome is becoming increasingly recognized in both conventional and alternative medical circles. Although it is still not considered a ‘mainstream’ diagnosis by most doctors and healthcare professionals, research shows that leaky gut can affect up to 30% of people worldwide.”

Leaky gut can cause digestive problems like gas, bloating, diarrhea or IBS symptoms, says Gupta, and possibly even brain fog, food sensitivities and skin problems like eczema or acne.

“Inflammatory foods like sugar, alcohol, and some processed foods can lead to leaky gut,” says Gupta. “If you have food sensitivities, these can also contribute to the inflammation.” Because diet can influence gut health, registered dietitian Bianca Tamburello, RDN, points us to the science behind helpful and not-so-helpful foods for leaky gut. She says some foods can have a healing effect, while others can worsen the condition. Here are ten of the best and worst foods for leaky gut.

5 Best Foods for Leaky Gut

In general, foods contain specific nutrients that can help improve your intestinal barrier. Here are five good foods for leaky gut.

1. Bone broth

Humans have been getting nutrition from animal bones for thousands of years. Bone broth is made by slowly cooking bones from chickens, cows or other animals, creating a rich broth full of collagen, vitamins and minerals. “Bone broth is easy on the stomach and can be enjoyed as a drink or while cooking,” says Tamburello. “Amino acids in bone broth protect the intestinal lining, balance the body’s immune response and have anti-inflammatory effects. Collagen in bone broth also supports a healthy intestinal wall.”

Research shows that specific amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), such as l-glutamine and arginine, can help heal the lining of your intestines. Bone broth can be purchased ready-made or cooked at home. Try this recipe for beef bone broth with bones that you can buy at the grocery store.

2. Salmon

This oily fish is a nutritional powerhouse for many reasons, but is especially helpful for leaky gut. Gupta points out that a vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of leaky gut. She says: “Adequate vitamin D is essential for maintaining intestinal integrity.” A 3-ounce salmon fillet contains almost 2.5 grams of l-glutamine, plus plenty of vitamins D and A. Glutamine is an amino acid known to help promote thriving gut bacteria. Additionally, Tamburello points out, “Research shows that vitamin A and vitamin D in salmon and other fatty fish can help strengthen intestinal walls to reverse leaky gut symptoms.”

She also notes that salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, “which are known to fight harmful inflammation,” she says.

3. Fermented foods

Fermentation is all about good bacteria. Beneficial bacteria break down sugars in certain foods to ferment them. “Fermented foods, like kombucha and carbonation, are packed with probiotics, healthy gut bacteria that are crucial for restoring and maintaining a healthy gut,” says Tamburello. “Probiotics balance the gut microbiome, which is linked to overall body health and reduced inflammation.”

Research shows that probiotic or fermented foods can improve the intestinal lining. Gupta agrees: “Probiotics help support the integrity of the intestinal wall. Tamburello recommends eating one to two probiotic foods daily to promote gut health. Fermented foods include yogurt, kefir and miso, to name a few.

4. Mushrooms, Spinach and Carrots

Although vegetables are generally good for you, some vegetables contain specific nutrients that help with different conditions. When it comes to leaky gut, Tamburello says, “Mushrooms, spinach and carrots provide vitamin D and vitamin A, which can help heal damaged intestinal walls and strengthen the immune system.”

Research shows that vitamin D is important for good intestinal barrier function. Gupta recommends vegetables for more reasons: “Diets rich in soluble and insoluble fiber help develop healthy mucus and ensure regular transit time in the intestines. This means that you should consume enough whole fruits and vegetables in your diet. Mushrooms, spinach and carrots meet all of the above: vitamins D and A and soluble and insoluble fiber.

5. Blueberries, sweet cherries and walnuts

Just like vegetables, fruits and nuts are also packed with nutrients. They provide vitamins, minerals, polyphenols (plant compounds) and fiber. Studies show that certain fruits and nuts, such as blueberries, sweet cherries and walnuts, contain powerful polyphenols that can strengthen your intestinal lining to prevent leaky gut. In addition, polyphenols have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Says Gupta: “Polyphenol-rich foods can positively impact the gut microbial ecosystem by reducing intestinal permeability.” Aim for a diet rich in plant foods, such as nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits, to ensure you get enough of these beneficial plant compounds.

5 Worst Foods for Leaky Gut

There are some foods that can make leaky gut syndrome worse. While everyone is different, here are five foods commonly linked to leaky gut.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol is not only harmful to your liver. Your intestines can also take a beating. Tamburello says, “Alcohol irritates the digestive tract and can wreak havoc by increasing intestinal permeability, contributing to leaky gut. Alcohol is also known to negatively impact the gut microbiome, which may also be linked to leaky gut and overall poor gut health.”

Older studies show that alcohol inflames the lining of the intestines. Gupta advises her patients with leaky gut to limit alcohol consumption as much as possible. “Regular alcohol consumption contributes to inflammation and can be a trigger for leaky gut,” she says. Other studies show that alcohol abuse leads to constant inflammation in the intestines.

2. Foods with a lot of added sugars

Gupta warns that high intake of added sugars is inflammatory to the body and can lead to leaky gut. Foods high in added sugar, such as baked goods, sugary drinks or sweets, may be linked to inflammation. In fact, studies show that high sugar intake can alter the microbiome, cause metabolic dysfunction and increase chronic inflammation, potentially leading to metabolic disorders and heart disease.

Tamburello says: “Foods high in added sugar are known to cause body inflammation, which is linked to leaky gut. A diet high in sugar is also harmful to healthy gut bacteria and promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.” She recommends that the majority of your diet consist of whole foods.

3. Highly processed foods

Studies show that the industrialization of foods can alter the intestinal microbiota and increase the permeability of the intestinal barrier. Says Gupta: “Methods used in industrial food processing can increase intestinal inflammation and leaky gut.”

Tamburello recommends limiting highly processed meats and fried foods if you have leaky gut. She says, “just like with added sugar, [they] have also been linked to chronic inflammation.” These foods can also worsen gastrointestinal symptoms, she warns.

4. Artificial sweeteners

Artificial and other non-nutritive sweeteners help reduce sugar intake, but can cause problems for some people. says Tamburello. “Artificial sweeteners are not suitable for everyone. They can cause unpleasant symptoms in some people with gastrointestinal problems.” She points to sugar alcohols in particular, saying they may be linked to an imbalance in healthy and harmful gut bacteria, as some research shows.

Other studies show that saccharin, stevia, and sucralose can alter the gut microbiota in some people and possibly even cause leaky gut. Although many people tolerate non-nutritive sweeteners well, others may experience gastrointestinal problems.

5. Dairy products

Dairy products, such as cheese and milk, are packed with good nutrients. They provide protein, calcium and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. However, it can cause inflammation in some people, especially those with lactose intolerance. Tamburello says, “Avoiding dairy products is a common practice for people with gastrointestinal conditions, as they can worsen leaky gut symptoms such as bloating, gas and upset stomach.”

Dairy products can be a trigger for some people, but helpful for others. There is some evidence that dairy products benefit the gut microbiome by increasing beneficial bacteria and decreasing harmful bacteria. However, everyone is different, so talk to your healthcare provider if you have difficulty with dairy.

Example of a diet plan for leaky gut

If you’re ready to give your gut some love, check out our sample menu for leaky gut. It’s full of foods our experts recommend to strengthen your intestinal barrier.

It comes down to

The old saying “Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” may be true when it comes to leaky gut syndrome. Eating a diet consisting largely of nutritious whole foods will be key to improving gut health. And just as important, limiting alcohol, added sugars, and highly processed foods can help you feel your best.

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