Unequal access to quantum information education may limit progress in this emerging field – now is the time to improve

Quantum information science uses the physics that describes the smallest particles – such as electrons or photons – to potentially revolutionize computing and related technologies. This new field can be used for a wide range of applications, from developing new devices to data encryption.

As the potential applications of quantum computing emerge, quantum computing courses in universities and high schools are expanding rapidly.

We are a group of physics education researchers who study student performance in physics and how quantum information science is taught and learned.

We’re currently looking at quantum information science education. One question we’re asking: Who has access to quantum information science education? And relatedly: How might this impact who participates in the field?

New courses designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of quantum information science are being developed at schools across the country, from high school to graduate level. For example, the Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering Center in Colorado. However, it is unknown whether these new programs will be equally accessible to everyone.

Differences in higher education

It is well known that not everyone has the privilege of attending college or university, due to inequalities in access to resources such as well-funded K-12 education, financial support from family, and people in their lives who can help them through this complex process. These inequalities are even more pronounced for the science fields, where mentorship and preparation gaps can discourage students from ever pursuing a science career and drive away disadvantaged students who try.

For example, introductory physics is required for most science majors in college and is known to be challenging, fast-paced, and require a fair amount of math. Students with less than stellar high school math preparation or who are first-generation college students may find these classes overwhelming and may not have anyone to turn to for help.

However, in the case of the emerging field of quantum information science education, scientists and educators now have a unique opportunity to address equity from the start. If education in this area can reach all students, it has the chance to disrupt some of the systemic inequities that currently plague our education systems.

People standing with posters in a crowd

National quantum information science education

We investigated whether students of all backgrounds in the U.S. have equal access to quantum information science education. To do this, we collected information on the distribution of quantum information science courses at 456 higher education institutions in the fall of 2022.

Our goal was to identify whether the type of institution, funding sources, and geographic location were associated with the likelihood that that institution would offer courses in quantum information science. We found that these courses were more likely to be found at large, private universities with a significant research focus and located in highly urbanized states, such as Colorado. In general, these large, research-focused universities tend to be quite expensive to attend in a four-year degree program that is often required for quantum research or development.

Furthermore, attending an urban school requires rural students to leave their homes, travel long distances, and adjust to significant increases in the cost of living. Together, this suggests that existing quantum information science courses and programs are less likely to reach low-income and rural students.

Some may find it natural to find these cutting-edge courses at large, affluent institutions before they are offered at smaller and less-resourced institutions. However, as long as these programs remain open only to select students, there is a risk that a system will be perpetuated in which the benefits of a science degree – such as access to a well-paying, secure job market – are not distributed equally across social and economic groups.

Furthermore, while new technologies bring many benefits, they often also bring unexpected harms. Without the participation of people from all backgrounds, such harms can affect certain groups more than others.

Recommendations for a fair quantum education

We hope that our research will encourage policymakers, educators, and researchers to evaluate the accessibility of their quantum information science efforts.

Based on our findings, we recommend targeted investments to establish quantum information science education and research programs at primarily undergraduate and rural institutions. Such efforts can build on the success of existing programs that focus quantum education at minority institutions, such as the IBM-Historically Black Colleges and Universities Quantum Center.

Investing in rural education can be a promising opportunity with mutual support.

We also urge the National Center for Education Statistics and similar organizations to collect and publish more comprehensive data on student enrollment in quantum information science degree and certificate programs. This will give policymakers the information they need to ensure that the benefits of quantum information science reach all parts of the country.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news organization that brings you facts and reliable analysis to help you understand our complex world. It was written by: Bethany Wilcox, University of Colorado Boulder; Gina Passante, California State University, Fullerton and Josephine C. Meyer, University of Colorado Boulder

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Bethany Wilcox receives funding from the National Science Foundation.

Gina Passante receives funding from the National Science Foundation.

Josephine Meyer receives funding from the National Science Foundation. She is an affiliate member of the Quantum Ethics Project.

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