3 New Studies Show That Losing Weight Isn’t Just About Diet and Exercise

“All you have to do is eat less and exercise more.”

Not only is this categorically wrong, but it is also extremely frustrating to hear, especially from your doctor. Unfortunately, your doctor is sharing very old concepts with you. It is estimated that it takes 17 years for discoveries from scientific research to reach your doctor and change his or her medical advice. The talk show hosts and internet searches also often provide incorrect or outdated information.

The problem is that even reliable sources like medical journals often spread bad information. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that “false and scientifically unsupported beliefs about obesity are widespread” in our medical journals.

Ideally, you would find the answers yourself by poring over the 500,000 scientific papers on the subject and about 100 new papers published every day. However, this is a daunting task and not one that many of you want to undertake. Dr. Whit Roberts, DC of Health Utah offers an alternative. “You can turn to experts who have spent a lifetime studying the hundreds of thousands of pages of research or, more likely, to the doctors who follow those experts.” Roberts, one of those doctors, tells us that there are some fascinating facts you’ve probably never heard of that can jump-start your weight loss efforts or keep them on track. Here are just three of them.

3 New Studies Show That Losing Weight Isn't Just About Diet and Exercise
Photo: Shutterstock

By now, you’ve probably heard of intermittent fasting. What you haven’t heard of is chronobiology, or the study of how the rhythms of the sun, moon, and seasons affect our bodies’ mental, physical, and emotional cycles. That study earned the researchers the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Roberts explains that their research has led to a refined understanding of the most effective form of intermittent fasting. Roberts says it matters when you fast, not just how long.

Apparently, the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is true, despite the fact that millions of Americans skip it. One of the many things you’ll learn as a weight-loss patient at Health Utah is why breakfast is important. Roberts explains that calories eaten in the morning are treated differently by the body than calories eaten at night.

In the morning, your body prepares itself for the need for ready-to-eat energy by converting your food into glycogen, a short-term energy storage molecule. To do this, your body burns off those dreaded fat reserves. In the evening, however, it’s a different story. Your body is preparing itself for a restful, restorative night’s sleep. Calories eaten at dinner or in the evening are more likely to be stored as fat, a long-term energy storage molecule. “The take-home message,” says Roberts, “is that skipping dinner is much more effective than skipping breakfast for weight loss. All other things being equal, you’ll lose more weight fasting in the evening than you will in the morning.”

3 New Studies Show That Losing Weight Isn't Just About Diet and Exercise
Photo: Shutterstock

A second truth about weight loss that comes straight from the scientific literature is that bad bacteria in your gut causes weight gain. One of Robert’s patients learned this the hard way. Tory, a 43-year-old woman, went to Health Utah after she suddenly started gaining weight. She gained 40 pounds in six months, despite dieting. She went to the doctor and had her hormones and thyroid tested. They were fine. She even hired a personal trainer. Nothing she did seemed to make a difference. She kept gaining weight.

At Health Utah, Roberts conducted a thorough examination, including a review of her medical history and tests. He discovered that she had been on two rounds of antibiotics for a severe sinus infection prior to the weight gain. Those antibiotics had wiped out much of her good and bad bacteria. While the bacteria colonies were growing back, the bad ones were gaining ground as she consumed the soda and sugary treats that they favored.

Tory underwent treatment at Health Utah, lost 45 pounds, experienced a huge increase in energy, and saw a dramatic decrease in her lifelong anxiety. Now, Tory is a huge advocate for Health Utah and the therapies and healing modalities offered there.

3 New Studies Show That Losing Weight Isn't Just About Diet and Exercise
Photo: Shutterstock

The third science-backed weight loss fact that Roberts shared shocks almost everyone who hears it. Chicken is fatter than beef. Yes, you and I have been fooled. It has been shown that eating just one chicken breast every 10 days can lead to significant weight gain, as shown in more than one study. No wonder so many people struggle with weight loss, as they wolf down their diet-approved chicken breast every day.

Health Utah helps you cut through such misinformation, industry-biased propaganda, and popular myths. This article covers just a few. Roberts has developed his own weight loss protocols over his 25 years of practice, incorporating evidence-based weight loss methods. If you’re struggling with stubborn weight, his scientific approach to identifying and correcting the underlying causes of your stubborn weight may be right for you.

Roberts is quick to point out that this stubborn weight can be caused by a much wider variety of conditions that are beyond the scope of this article. These can include toxins, insomnia, infections, allergies, hormonal imbalances, candida, emotional issues, liver and gallbladder dysfunction, and much more. He and his team identify and treat all of these potential underlying conditions with their weight loss protocols. “Testing is key to discovering if there are any potential underlying issues that are making your weight loss efforts so difficult,” says Roberts.

Consultations at Health Utah include same-day testing. Call 801-810-CARE (2273) or visit Health Utah today to schedule your weight loss consultation and introduction to a unique weight loss modality with Dr. Roberts.

If your partner would like a consultation too, mention this article and you can schedule the second appointment at no additional cost. That’s a savings of $59.

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