For low-carb diets, the quality of the food, not just the quantity, is the key to long-term weight loss

Variations on the low-carb diet are popular ways to shed pounds, but a new study shows that the quality of food, not just the amount of carbs, fat and protein, makes a difference in weight loss.

The study, published on December 27, 2023, in JAMA network openedfollowed participants for decades to find out how five different types of low-carb diets affected weight.

“The key takeaway from our study is that not all low-carb diets are the same when it comes to long-term weight management – ​​food quality is crucial,” said the study’s lead author, Binkai Liu, PhD, a research assistant at the nutrition department at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

Researchers found that diets low in carbohydrates, but high in high-quality protein, fat and a small portion of carbohydrates from healthy plant sources such as whole grains and beans, were linked to slower weight gain. “On the other hand, low-carb diets high in animal protein and fat or refined carbohydrates, such as those from red and processed meats, dairy products and sugar-sweetened beverages, can lead to faster weight gain,” says Dr. Liu. .

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