Extra virgin olive oil: nutrition, benefits, uses

Extra virgin olive oil is considered premium and is therefore the most expensive grade of olive oil. That’s because it is cold-pressed and not processed with heat, like refined olive oil.

All olive oil offers numerous health benefits, but some beneficial nutrients are more abundant in extra virgin olive oil. Here’s the difference between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil, plus their health benefits and how to use them in the kitchen.

According to the USDA, there are three classes of olive oil: virgin olive oil, olive oil and refined olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil falls under the category of “virgin olive oil” and is essentially unprocessed or raw olive oil. Instead of being treated with heat, it is cold pressed. It is considered top quality olive oil, followed by regular olive oil and then refined olive oil. For that reason it is also the most expensive olive oil.

The nuanced flavor of extra virgin olive oil varies slightly depending on the product itself, but typically has a peppery, fruity, bitter taste.

Regular or ‘pure’ olive oil, on the other hand, is made with a combination of refined and extra virgin olive oil. Refined olive oil is usually made from damaged olives whose oils are unpalatable. Therefore, these oils are heated, neutralized, bleached and deodorized to improve the taste. They are then combined with a small amount of virgin olive oil to make regular olive oil.

Light olive oil, another product you’re likely to see on grocery store shelves, simply contains more refined oil compared to regular olive oil, making its color and flavor lighter.

One tablespoon (13.5 grams) of extra virgin olive oil contains:

  • Calories: 119
  • Fat: 12.6 grams
  • Saturated fat: 16.4% of total fat
  • Monounsaturated fat: 73.9% of total fat
  • Polyunsaturated fat: 9.7% of total fat
  • Vitamin E: 1.94 milligrams, or 13% of the Daily Value (RDI)
  • Vitamin K: 8.13 micrograms, or 7% of the RDA

Extra virgin olive oil also contains phenolic compounds associated with reducing inflammation and preventing chronic disease, and small amounts of the antioxidants beta-carotene and lycopene.

Olive oil is best known for its benefits for heart health. That’s partly because olive oil is a great source of unsaturated fatty acids, which are better for heart health than saturated fatty acids like those found in butter or dairy fat.

Consuming at least 0.5 tablespoons of olive oil per day is associated with a reduced risk of dying from not only cardiovascular disease (CVD), but also cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and respiratory diseases, especially if it contains margarine , butter, mayonnaise and dairy. Fat.

Compared to regular olive oil, extra virgin olive oil has a slightly higher percentage of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These types of fatty acids are associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease in adults and better metabolic health in adults with type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, oleic acid, the main monounsaturated fatty acid found in extra virgin olive oil, is associated with improved insulin sensitivity when it replaces saturated fatty acids in the diet.

Extra virgin olive oil is also a good source of vitamin E: an antioxidant that can help neutralize free radicals to prevent oxidative damage to cells. Oxidative damage is associated with the development and progression of several diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Thus, consuming antioxidants from dietary sources is important for disease prevention.

Phenolic compounds are another component of extra virgin olive oil with potential health benefits. They are responsible for olive oil’s effectiveness in counteracting high blood pressure and improving lipid profiles.

From a culinary perspective, extra virgin olive oil has a delicious fruity and peppery flavor that chefs and cooking connoisseurs often prefer to the more neutral taste of regular olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is a highly nutritious food and a staple of the Mediterranean diet; a diet known for its health benefits. So, using extra virgin olive oil as one of your favorite dietary fats can be beneficial to your health. However, excessive use of olive oil can potentially cause damage.

Since keto is one of the most popular diets, many people think that a low-carb, high-fat diet is the best choice. However, a well-balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is essential for the overall health of most of the population.

Consuming a diet low in carbohydrates and high in fats leads to underconsumption of important foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the following macronutrient breakdown for adults:

  • Carbohydrates: 45-65%
  • Fat: 20–35%
  • Egg white: 10–35%

So while extra virgin olive oil is a super nutritious fat to include in your diet, you should also make sure you also include sources of protein and fiber in your diet to promote overall health. Olive oil is actually a great way to make proteins and vegetables tastier.

Extra virgin olive oil can indeed be used for cooking. One study found that it is the most stable oil when heated due to its relatively low polyunsaturated fatty acid content. That’s important because when you heat oils, they can break down and oxidize, creating compounds that can be harmful to your health. Different oils have different smoke points and stabilities, which indicate at what temperature and how easily they will break down.

Another study found that virgin olive oil is safe for frying and may even be better than refined vegetable oils.

So extra virgin olive oil should be safe to use for roasting, sautéing and frying. You can also use it raw in salad dressings.

Extra virgin olive oil – an unprocessed form of olive oil with a nuanced flavor profile – not only adds depth to your dishes, it can also improve your health. Consuming olive oil is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and other causes of mortality, largely due to its unsaturated fats and antioxidants. Using it in place of saturated fats such as butter, dairy fat and animal fats is likely to lead to the most health benefits, so consider making it your cooking oil of choice for frying and sautéing foods.

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