How much protein does the average American eat?

Key learning points

  • Social media influencers have been promoting their protein intake lately, often sharing that they eat at least 100 grams of protein every day.
  • While protein is essential, not everyone needs that much, experts say.
  • Eating too much protein can come with unwanted side effects, making it harder to prioritize other food groups you need, like fruits and vegetables.

Many health and fitness influencers have recently highlighted the importance of protein on social media platforms, with some regularly suggesting that people should consume more than 100 grams daily.

While it’s essential to get enough protein, blanket food recommendations usually don’t work.

“As with most nutrition scenarios, the recommendation always comes down to the individual and his or her goals,” Leah Barron, RD, LD, CPT, a dietitian at The Baseline Lifestyle Co., told Verywell. “So it’s good to be wary of what we see on social media, especially if the person is making black-and-white recommendations for all people, without considering the nuance of individualized nutrition.”

That said, protein plays a big role in keeping your body healthy and energized, so it’s crucial to make sure you’re getting enough, Julia Zumpano, RD, a dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, told Verywell. Eating the wrong amount – whether too much or too little – can have a range of side effects that affect many different systems in the body.

How much protein does the average American eat?

“According to the most recent NHANES [National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey] Data shows that most adults get about 16% of their calories from protein every day,” Barron said. “So for someone consuming 2,000 calories per day, that’s about 80 grams of protein.” Men tend to eat more protein than women, she added.

It can be difficult to determine how much protein you need, partly because of the way health authorities structure their recommendations. “The RDA [recommended dietary allowance] for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight,” Zumpano said. “[But] this is the minimum amount of protein you need for your basic nutritional needs, i.e. enough to keep you in good health and prevent malnutrition.”

Most people need more to function optimally, Zumpano added. “I tend to recommend 1 to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight, taking into account a person’s activity level, age, any medical conditions and health goals,” she said. For reference, according to these recommendations, someone weighing 160 pounds would need about 73 to 102 ounces per day.

In general, many people who seek help from dietitians do not get enough protein. “[It’s] it is certainly more common for patients to eat too little [as opposed to too much],” Barron said. “I wouldn’t say people are ignoring protein intake, [and] I think most people know it’s important, [but] Many people I work with don’t realize how much they actually need and don’t know how to increase their intake.”

Conversely, it can be difficult to unintentionally consume too much protein, experts say. “Most people won’t be able to eat ‘too much’ protein, but if someone focuses so hard on getting enough protein that they start to neglect the other food groups, that would be a good time to revisit the goal evaluate and try to set priorities. balance,” Barron added.

However, the following could be a sign that you’re getting more protein than you need, Zumpano added:

  • Constipation
  • Dehydration
  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Irritability

How to monitor your protein intake

Because it can be difficult to calculate how many grams of protein you should eat in a day, it might be easier to think about protein in relation to other foods:[At meal times]About a quarter of your meal should be protein,” Barron said, “so you might consider filling a quarter of your plate with a protein source, or somewhere around 30 grams of protein per meal is a good goal. for most people.” Zumpano-added protein sources should make up 20 to 30% of your daily caloric intake.

If you’re trying to incorporate more protein into your diet, Barron said to consider the following:

  • Try grain options with higher protein content, such as quinoa, chickpea pasta, or sprouted bread
  • Make sure all meals and snacks contain protein
  • Keep multiple protein options in your refrigerator so they are ready when you need them
  • Add protein powder to smoothies, pancakes, oatmeal or other foods that don’t already contain much protein

While protein is important, this is no more or less the case than other food groups. “Yes, we need to be aware of whether or not we are meeting our protein needs, [but]More importantly, the focus should be on all macronutrients and the balance of each,” Zumpano said.

Your protein needs may also change over time depending on your overall health and your age: “Postmenopausal women need more protein due to the drop in estrogen levels. [which] causes a decrease in muscle mass, which requires more protein to maintain lean muscle mass,” says Zumpano. Pregnant people also may need more protein than they otherwise would, she added.

If you’re unsure how much protein you should eat to reach your goals, especially if you’re trying to build muscle, it’s best to talk to a dietitian, nutritionist, or other expert who can guide you.

“The recommendations for how much protein depend on what the individual goals are [they need] will vary slightly, but no matter what, getting enough protein is essential for everyone,” Barron said. “Proteins are important in many body processes, but especially in the building and maintenance of muscle tissue.”

What this means for you

Health and fitness influencers have recently been highlighting their protein intake on social media, encouraging their followers to eat more than 100 grams of protein every day. However, experts say that the amount of protein you need is based on a number of factors, including your age, activity level and health goals, and that there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation for protein intake. While it’s hard to unintentionally eat too much protein, it can happen and cause side effects like constipation, indigestion and more.

By Maggie O’Neill

O’Neill is a reporter covering new medical research and addiction. She previously worked at SELF magazine and, and in 2020 was a fellow of the Association of Health Care Journalists.

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