Is overeating a problem for you? – Diet and nutrition

We conducted this survey on social media below. It seems like a common problem.

Statistically, overeating or binge eating is now the most common of all eating disorders, surpassing others such as anorexia.

Is this a problem for you? Or was that all at once? If so, how did you overcome this?

used to be

prioritize food, it is impossible to overeat.

avoid hyper-palatable foods. Don’t start with it, I won’t settle for a normal portion.

drink more water


Yes, it’s a problem. I take medication that makes me hungry all the time and strength training makes it worse. I overcame it by limiting my intake of restaurant food and not having alcohol and unhealthy snacks in the house. I cook meals that fill me up, but have no calories. Instead of stacking bread, I stack vegetables. My lunch today consisted of four ounces of chicken breast and two ounces of whole wheat pasta. I filled it up with four ounces of broccoli, four ounces of cherry tomatoes, and two ounces of roasted red peppers. So I ate too much, but the extra stuff added less than 100 calories to the meal.


Actually just social. Going to a friend’s house where they have lots of appetizers, then dinner, then dessert. Plus a few cocktails. It’s hard when the boyfriend is a good cook (at least everything is fresh and of good quality), and you literally spend a few hours just hovering over food.

But other than that I’m pretty disciplined. I just feel so much better when I eat the right things in the right amounts that it’s really not that tempting to eat unhealthy options (and I just don’t buy them to begin with).

Exceptions: when my wife makes homemade sourdough. Then I eat it until I can’t chew anymore.


Volume formation. Good strategy!

In any case, it is the tastiest bread!

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Yes, but not in the same way as for most people.

I can resist things like sweets, pastries, chips, and ice cream, but I can’t resist things like meat (especially roasted), eggs, cheese, and yogurt.
I’m one of those people who would become very obese eating carnivore or keto if I don’t track calories

When I’m back in Shanghai with family, my diet is cleaner, but I get fat because there is so much delicious food (e.g. roast duck, steak, fish)


Definitely an issue I struggled with. Specifically, I struggled with constant hunger, and it resulted in overeating. I ‘overcame’ it by being very hungry, which would eventually lead to binge eating. Then I tried “small frequent meals”/grazing, as we all learned in the 1990s, to “fuel the metabolic fire” and speed up the metabolism. This led to me literally eating something every 30 minutes, checking the clock for my next chance to eat, and most likely premature aging.

To finally actually solve this, the first step was to follow the Velocity Diet, my way. This was a HUGE game changer. It broke a LOT of my paradigms and taught me that I was lying to myself about how much food I “needed” as a strength athlete and just using that as an excuse to eat. I also learned what real hunger is. And another big part of this was accidentally discovering what Dr. Ted Naiman calls ‘protein delivery’, an idea that is also discussed here.

Basically, the body is hungry for 2 things: protein and nutrients. Once he has had enough of that: he is no longer hungry. The problem is that most “food” these days is highly processed junk that is low in protein AND nutrients because they are expensive compared to subsidized corn sugar and seed oils. So we eat SO much of that junk to try to reach our protein and nutrient threshold and end up overeating, or we starve ourselves of these things in an attempt to not overeat and then end up overeating because our bodies WANTS to live.

By focusing on protein and nutrients, we reach the threshold early, suppress hunger and avoid overeating. It’s so easy. For the first time in my life I can fast painlessly.

These days I still have the Velocity Diet as my baseline, use it to vector to that threshold early and then fill out the rest of my diet with carnivore. Because the other thing that’s cool is you can’t eat too much protein.


I get the impression that if you were making a legitimate attempt at carnivore, you would instead gain some body fat first as a form of healing before recalibrating your appetite.

It is important to recognize the different causes of overeating:

  1. Eating too little or skipping meals earlier in the day can lead to overeating in the evening. (Compensation: Your body is trying to catch up, but it’s very easy to overdo it since it takes about twenty minutes for the satiety mechanisms to kick in.)

  2. Lack of sleep causes cravings. It could be hormonal, but I always think of it as your body’s way of finding the energy you don’t have. You know that old saying, “You’re not hungry; you are thirsty!” Well, add sleepy.

  3. Insufficient protein keeps hunger levels high. (The protein leverage effect)

  4. Drink reduces inhibitions; cannabis that makes food taste even better.

  5. Training style. Some people find that really heavy weights, leg days, excessive cardio, or intense exercise increase their appetite. That’s probably fine if it’s manageable, but “overtraining” for fat loss won’t help much if hunger levels skyrocket.

  6. Overeating can be mood-related, whether it’s to ‘ease the pain’ or to reduce/mask anxiety.

It’s true that overeating may just mean “I like what food is for me!” or “I’m bad at self-control!” but it’s a good idea to keep those other things in mind.


Alone at work. It seems like there are always bagel sandwiches, chips, pizza etc. I provide a healthy, filling lunch, but it all goes wrong when there are free subs in the meeting room. Most of the time I can restrain myself, which does happen, “but you’re in shape, you can have a bite or two. It’s not like you’re fat!” Bitch, shut up. I have to try really hard to keep this worthless body.


It never was, at least not in the sense that I had no control over the decisions to eat this or that, or even to eat at all.

I had a negative effect when I deliberately ‘bulked’ as if I gained more than 245 pounds, my sleep apnea went into dangerous territory. This is before much was known about sleep apnea. In fact, I was one of the first people to participate in an overnight sleep study in the hospital.

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Yeah, once I start eating something, I don’t have a good off switch anymore. Combine that with a scholarly (thanks dad) belief that throwing away food is waste and three kids not eating their food, and that’s a recipe for disaster.

I wouldn’t say I’ve overcome it, but with some discipline I’ve learned to deal with it. Things like: if there are cookies or cakes at work, I just don’t have any, works well. It’s easier for me to say no first than to take one and then eat the whole plate.

By feeding myself and the kids the right portion size, and now that the kids are older and actually eating their food, I’m less likely to act as a waste handler.

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I know this is a ridiculous question, but since it was mentioned a little.

I know that drinking generally leads to way too many carbohydrates and fats, and therefore too many calories. But is there actually a mechanism by which drinking increases cravings for certain drinks? species of food, or is it just food in general?

I haven’t had booze-fueled 4 a.m. Waffle House trips in a decade, but if I knew then what I know now, it seems like you could use “booze leverage” to consume more steak and eggs. get than normal.

I learned it in the supermarket

don’t buy it, you don’t eat it

If you buy it, you eat it, at least part of it


Oh yeah. I have to believe it was conditioned into me early on. My mother binge eats (so probably a learned aspect of it), and she was very disciplined with us when it came to ‘meal times’. Like I wasn’t allowed to eat if it wasn’t a normal breakfast, lunch or dinner time. So if I missed a window, I tried to eat double at the next meal. Additionally, if we ever went out to eat, we went to buffets because they were more cost effective. And for the entire day we weren’t allowed to eat and were told to basically eat a day’s worth of food at the buffet. Same goes for the neighborhood cookouts… eat as much as you can while you’re there. I remember many nights with my head in the toilet after those parties.

I’ve found that what works best for me is simply tracking macros and calories. It has become so second nature that it doesn’t even feel like it takes time away from my daily routine. Additionally, I implement a weekly cheat day, where I can eat anything, anytime, and don’t have to count anything. It makes me scratch that itch, but in a controlled way it has ultimately been very helpful physically. It’s not for everyone, but it suits my personality well. My cheat day never bleeds over and I’m right back on track the next day. I get my fill and welcome the healthier foods back. And during the week, it’s super easy to stay disciplined when I know I can enjoy the next cheat day. To be honest, only half of the reward of a cheat day is all the different foods. The other half just gets a break from worrying about tracking anything.


Most of the excess food I consume comes from my children not clearing their plates. Throwing away good food will kill me. A few balls of kraft paper mac and cheese and dino nuggets rescued from the trash.


I literally eat the crusts of my son’s pizza slices that he leaves on the plate. Often this is done but the sink in the kitchen when no one is looking so I can rescue them from the trash. :joy:

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I prefer to think of it as undermetabolizing :Silly face:


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