Malanga root: potassium and related benefits

Malanga root is a type of tropical root vegetable that is rich in B vitamins and complex carbohydrates. Native to South America, it is often confused with taro, another root vegetable from the same family, but the two are different. While malanga root has a mild sweetness, taro is nuttier.

This article discusses everything you need to know about malanga root, including its taste, texture and nutritional benefits.

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Malanga root: a journey through the senses

Malanga root has a unique flavor profile and texture compared to better-known root vegetables, such as carrots. It is often interchanged with taro, although the two do not taste the same and do not provide the same health benefits.


Malanga root is often called “the potato of the tropics” because it is native to tropical places and is just as versatile as the staple potato that many people keep in their pantry. Unlike typical potato varieties, malanga root is not a nightshade.

Although the texture and appearance of malanga root are similar to potatoes, the taste and smell are not. When prepared, malanga has a rich, nutty flavor with a mild sweetness. The taste and smell of malanga root are similar in that it tastes and smells nuttier than other root vegetables with which it is often confused.


Unlike taro, which is soft and slightly slimy, malanga root is firm and dry.

This makes it a versatile option for those looking to expand their culinary experience beyond the potato, with something similar in feel and texture, but with a different flavor profile.

Malanga root also has a hairy texture to the touch, making it more difficult to peel.

Peel malanga root

When peeling Malanga root, you should approach it the same way you would a pumpkin. First cut off the ends and then the whole vegetable into three smaller parts. Next, cut thin slices of the peel from each side of the malanga root until all the peel is gone.

Malanga benefits and nutrition distribution

Malanga root contains many nutrients that the body needs for various functions.

The breakdown of nutrients and how they affect the body is as follows:

Nutritional profile What it’s good for
200 calories Energy for cells
7.24 grams (g) of fiber Gut health, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels
25.6 milligrams (mg) of calcium Building and maintaining strong bones and heart, muscle and nerve health
42.6 mg magnesium Health of muscles, nerves and bones, maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels
108 mg phosphorus Growth, maintenance and repair of cells, tissues and genetic material, including DNA and RNA
683 mg potassium Hydration, retaining fluid in the cells, supporting good blood pressure and muscle contraction

Compounds in Malanga root that promote overall health

Malanga root contains a high level of carotenoids, which are plant pigments that act as antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants help fight inflammation.

Should someone not use Malanga root?

Malanga root is generally considered safe to consume, but should be avoided if someone already has high potassium levels.

If a person gets too much potassium in their diet or has a health condition that causes a buildup of the nutrient, consuming too much malanga root can lead to dangerously high levels in the blood, a condition known as hyperkalemia.

Hyperkalemia is a medical emergency if not addressed quickly. Symptoms include:

  • Muscle weakness and spasms
  • Fatigue
  • Hyperventilation or shortness of breath
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Paralysis
  • Tingling in the body
  • Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias)
  • Confusion
  • In the worst case, seizures, coma and death

How to prepare Malanga root

Malanga root should never be consumed raw. There are many ways to prepare the vegetable to your liking. Because they resemble potatoes, you can cook them using:

  • Boiling
  • Baking
  • Roasting
  • Steaming
  • Mashing (after cooking to soften it)

According to research, the ways in which malanga is traditionally prepared are:

  • Peel the vegetables, cook and puree with herbs or other vegetables
  • Serve it in a soup or stew
  • Peel, cut and fry it the same way you would make fries

Where to find Malanga

While not every grocer will carry malanga root, many in the United States do. It has grown in popularity in recent years and increased demand is allowing more stores to stock it on their shelves.

Some supermarkets and online stores that carry products that may contain malanga root include:

  • Kroger
  • Walmart
  • Central Market
  • Premier Produce One


Malanga root is a vegetable that resembles the potato. It is often confused or interchanged with yuca, but the two are not the same. They offer different nutrients and flavor profiles. People who want to consume malanga root can do so safely, provided they do so in moderation and are not already experiencing high blood potassium levels.

Malanga root should only be eaten after cooking it, and it’s as versatile as a potato, so you can use it to make everything from chips to mashed potatoes.

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By Angelica Bottaro

Angelica Bottaro is a professional freelance writer with more than 5 years of experience. She is trained in both psychology and journalism, and her dual degrees have given her the research and writing skills needed to deliver quality and engaging healthcare content.

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