Make way, mathematicians, here comes AlphaProof

At the headquarters of Google DeepMind, an artificial intelligence lab in London, researchers have a set ritual for announcing major results: They strike a large ceremonial gong. In 2016, the gong sounded for AlphaGo, an AI system that excelled at the game of Go. In 2017, the gong sounded as AlphaZero conquered chess. On each … Read more

Make way, mathematicians, here comes AlphaProof

At the headquarters of Google DeepMind, an artificial intelligence lab in London, researchers have a set ritual for announcing major results: They strike a large ceremonial gong. In 2016, the gong sounded for AlphaGo, an AI system that excelled at the game of Go. In 2017, the gong sounded as AlphaZero conquered chess. On each … Read more