Can Antarctica serve as a model for international cooperation on the moon?

Several countries are targeting the moon as a destination beyond Earth for long-term human presence. NASA is once again touted to get another literal ‘stepping stone’ to the moon through its Artemis program. the way to trump and train for marching to Mars. In many ways, such a future endeavor could be compared to Antarctica, … Read more

How an Antarctic cruise passenger’s illness led to the discovery of a new penguin colony

The ship encountered a colony of chinstrap penguins at Diaz Rock – Alamy, Sarak Knapton The remote Antarctic island of Diaz Rock was supposed to be deserted, but when penguin experts trained their binoculars on the rock, little eyes looked back. While guarding their ascetic stone nests, a completely undiscovered colony of chinstrap penguins emerged, … Read more

On board the world’s most luxurious icebreaker

(Emblematic Antarctica) Imagine an expedition to Antarctica and your mind could be forgiven for conjuring up Shackleton’s terrifying silhouette: his thin, wind-swept body surrounded by snow-capped mountains and a white haze of hardship. But as I sip my second macchiato of the morning and watch a crabeater seal glide its way to the ice floe … Read more

Two companies will attempt the first American moon landings since the Apollo missions half a century ago

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — China and India scored moon landings, while Russia, Japan and Israel ended up in the lunar junk pile. Now two private companies are trying to get the U.S. back into the game, more than five decades after the Apollo program ended. It’s part of a NASA-backed effort to kick-start commercial … Read more

Two companies will attempt the first American moon landings since the Apollo missions half a century ago

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — China and India scored moon landings, while Russia, Japan and Israel ended up in the lunar junk pile. Now two private companies are trying to get the U.S. back into the game, more than five decades after the Apollo program ended. It’s part of a NASA-backed effort to kick-start commercial … Read more

Within a historic voyage to Antarctica, staffed by more than 100 female scientists

Since 2007, Michaela Musilová has dreamed of visiting Antarctica. As an astrobiologist, she has two goals: to identify the limits of life on Earth and to assess the possibility that life as we know it exists elsewhere in the universe. Research into how life behaves in the extreme environment of Antarctica is central to her … Read more