Small, compact galaxies are masters of disguise in the distant universe – searching for the secrets behind the little red dots

Astronomers exploring the distant universe with the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA’s most powerful telescope, have discovered a class of galaxies that challenge even the most skilled mimics, like the mimic octopus. This creature can imitate other sea creatures to avoid predators. Need to be a flatfish? No problem. A sea serpent? Easy. When astronomers … Read more

Black holes are mysterious, but also deceptively simple: a new space mission could help physicists answer tough questions about these astronomical objects

Physicists consider black holes to be one of the most mysterious objects in existence. Ironically, they are also considered among the simplest. Physicists like me have been trying for years to prove that black holes are more complex than they seem. And a recently approved European space mission called LISA will help us in this … Read more