Several companies are testing brain implants – why is there so much attention surrounding Neuralink? Two professors unravel the ethical issues

It used to feel like the edge of science fiction to put a computer in someone’s brain. Today it is a reality. Academic and commercial groups are testing “brain-computer interface” devices to enable people with disabilities to function more independently. Yet Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, has put this technology at the center of debates over … Read more

Decades of research and lofty ambitions to merge minds with computers

It wasn’t the first small device implanted in a human brain. Still, Elon Musk’s announcement on Monday has caught the attention of the small community of scientists who have worked for decades to treat certain disabilities and conditions by directly tapping into the body’s nervous system. “Getting a device into someone’s body is no small … Read more

New neurotechnology is blurring the boundaries around mental privacy – but are new human rights the answer?

Neurotechnologies – devices that interact directly with the brain or nervous system – were once dismissed as science fiction. Not anymore. Several companies are developing and some are even testing ‘brain-computer interfaces’ or BCIs, with Elon Musk’s Neuralink probably the most notable. He announced on January 29, 2024 that he was the first human in … Read more