Climate engineering poses serious national security risks; countries facing extreme heat can try anyway, and the world must be prepared

One of the biggest concerns for many countries when it comes to climate change is national security. That doesn’t just mean wars. Risks to food, energy and water supplies are national security issues, as is climate-induced migration. Could climate engineering help reduce national security risks from climate change, or would it just make things worse? … Read more

Climate engineering poses serious national security risks; countries facing extreme heat can try anyway, and the world must be prepared

The historic Paris climate agreement ushered in a mantra for developing countries: “1.5 to stay alive.” It refers to the international goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial times. But the world will likely cross that threshold within a decade, and global warming shows little sign of slowing. … Read more

Satellites detect no real climate benefit from ten years of carbon offsets in California’s forests

Many of the companies promising “net-zero” emissions to protect the climate rely on vast forests and so-called carbon offsets to achieve that goal. On paper, carbon offsets appear to offset a company’s carbon emissions: the company pays to protect trees, which absorb carbon dioxide from the air. The company can then claim the absorbed carbon … Read more

Not all carbon capture projects pay off for the climate – we’ve mapped out the pros and cons of each project and found clear winners and losers

Capturing carbon dioxide from the air or industries and recycling it may sound like a win-win climate solution. The greenhouse gas stays out of the atmosphere where it can warm the planet, avoiding the use of more fossil fuels. But not all carbon capture projects provide the same economic and environmental benefits. Some could even … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope could probe ‘carbon-lite’ exoplanet atmospheres in search of alien life

When it comes to detecting the presence of liquid water on planets outside the solar system, and thus the conditions necessary for life, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) may want to look for what’s missing rather than what is is. This is what that means. A team of researchers, including scientists from the Massachusetts … Read more

A lucrative tax credit for making clean fuel won’t be so easy to come by

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Friday released its long-awaited plan to offer lucrative tax breaks to companies that make hydrogen, a clean fuel, and proposed new rules aimed at ensuring the policy does not inadvertently lead to a spike in global energy production. global warming. Hydrogen is widely seen as a promising tool to … Read more

What is CO2 capture and why does it keep coming up at COP28?

The future of fossil fuels takes center stage at the United Nations climate summit in Dubai, with many activists, experts and countries calling for an agreement to phase out the oil, gas and coal responsible for warming the planet . On the other side: energy companies and oil-rich countries with plans to continue drilling well … Read more