don’t be fooled by fashion’s obsession with upper-class wardrobes

It is a peculiar quirk of the British aristocracy that you can have a title, such as the Duke of Devonshire, without having any connection with the part of the country to which the title refers. The Devonshires – first earls and later dukes – do not live in Devon. Past and present include Bolton … Read more

Cars are ruining Britain’s national parks – it’s time we embraced sustainable transport

What’s worse: a large, gray, asphalt parking lot, or vehicles lining every road as far as the eye can see? It’s the question I asked myself as I stood on the hill of Winnats Head, overlooking the honeypot village of Castleton. It’s a beautiful view, albeit plagued by car-lined roads. A parking space can make … Read more

Little princess or terrible toddler? Why children are the ultimate test of an artist

Magdalena de Vos by Cornelis de Vos (1623) – Diane Naylor The nice thing about drawing children is that they are always moving. Even when they’re told to stand still in one spot, they’re constantly fidgeting – and hoping for anything else can leave you very frustrated. My father’s patience was thoroughly tested when, as … Read more