The Toxic Truth About Mouthwash

More than a third of us use mouthwash, whether just for an extra burst of minty freshness after brushing our teeth or to tackle bleeding gums. However, instead of improving the performance of your toothbrush, this habit can endanger your health. For more than a decade, studies have suggested that mouthwash may increase the risk … Read more

The little-known bacteria behind the rising number of cancer cases under forty

The number of cancer cases under the age of 50 is rapidly increasing worldwide, with a 79 percent increase between 1990 and 2019 Last year, speakers at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology – the world’s leading cancer conference – issued a dire warning. Cases of colorectal cancer were rising rapidly … Read more

Simple intervention with bean diet shows significant prebiotic effects

A new study in eBioMedicine examined the impact of including canned navy beans in the regular diet for eight weeks. This study focused on how such dietary change affects the gut microbiota, as well as circulating markers and metabolites, in obese individuals with a history of colorectal neoplasia and precancerous polyps. The study also included … Read more

Alcohol and white bread linked to a higher risk

Share on PinterestWhite bread and alcohol may contribute to the risk of colorectal cancer, new research shows. Designed by MNT; Photography by SEAN GLADWELL/Getty Images and Lucy Lambriex/Getty Images. Colorectal cancer is a common form of cancer that can lead to poor health outcomes. Research is underway into risk factors for colorectal cancer and what … Read more