How dating apps are ruining the love lives of a generation

“Users seek the thrill of play over meaningful connection,” says relationship therapist Dr. Emily May Andy can pinpoint the exact moment he realized he was addicted to dating apps; it was during a breakup in 2016. “Halfway through the fight she went to the toilet,” Andy, now 33, recalls. “And immediately I went straight to … Read more

Why people break up on dating apps

Movies would have us believe that falling in love takes place in elevators, Ikea showrooms, atop the Empire State Building or aboard doomed ocean liners; eyes meet and life pauses as everything suddenly falls into place under the swell of a swooning soundtrack. While the world is indeed a bubbling pot of coincidental connections, many … Read more

Online dating sucks. This app, designed for people with disabilities, makes it suck less

Afterto graduatesecondary school, Jacqueline Child – like so many other busy twenty-somethings looking for a partner or a date – dove into the tumultuous world of dating apps. In 2019, a few weeks after she started actively trying to meet someone, she matched with a man on Bumble. When they decided to meet in person, … Read more