A fresh well along the road revealed a dramatic shift in the Ganges. Scientists say they have traced the cause

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. Earthquakes, caused by the shifting of the Earth’s tectonic plates, have the potential to reshape the face of the world. Now, for the first time, scientists have evidence that earthquakes can reroute rivers: it happened … Read more

A fresh well along the road revealed a dramatic shift in the Ganges. Scientists say they have traced the cause

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. Earthquakes, caused by the shifting of the Earth’s tectonic plates, have the potential to reshape the face of the world. Now, for the first time, scientists have evidence that earthquakes can reroute rivers: it happened … Read more

Researchers are getting the clearest picture yet of the fault threatening the Pacific Northwest

A silent colossus lurks off the Pacific coast, threatening hundreds of miles of coastline with tsunamis and devastating earthquakes. For decades, scientists have warned about the potential of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a megathrust fault that runs offshore along the coast from northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino, California. When the fault – or even … Read more

A wearable device could help dogs predict earthquakes, its makers say

A device that dogs wear on their collars could finally make use of thousands of years of anecdotes about a change in animal behavior on the brink of an earthquake. The makers of the PetPace biometric collar, originally designed to track dog health data for early warning signs of disease, believe the physiological data it … Read more

The moon’s gravitational pull is so strong that it can cause earthquakes on Earth. Scientists are still baffled by its power.

Earth captured by the Appllo 11 mission from the moon.NASA/JSC An earthquake struck New Jersey on Friday days before a total solar eclipse. But according to the United States Geological Survey, the two events are not related. Some scientists believe there is a connection between the moon’s gravitational pull and the Earth’s vibrations. This is … Read more

Modern earthquakes in the US could be aftershocks of earthquakes in the 19th century, scientists say

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. After major earthquakes, aftershocks are expected to occur in the hours and days that follow, but aftershocks from some of the strongest earthquakes in United States history can still occur – nearly 200 years later, … Read more