Inter and Juve serve ‘nice match’ despite second settlement for Serie A

José Mourinho is trying to reset the Roma story, but the chapter is nearing its end

Mazzocchi’s nightmare debut sums up Napoli’s crumbling title defence

Fiorentina’s Luca Ranieri shows that local talent can shine after Italy’s own goal

The victory over Roma is another small milestone in Bologna’s rise in Serie A

Muriel’s magical back heel sends Pioli’s Milan into a spiral ahead of Newcastle

Calhanoglu 2.0 lives up to his big talk and destroys Mazzarri’s Napoli revival

Juventus are making a point against Inter as title rumors grow louder in Turin

On the eve of the season’s first Derby d’Italia, both managers insisted they would not “sign for a draw”. Simone Inzaghi was pragmatic, claiming he would never do that “unless it is the second stage [of a knockout game] and you’ve already won the first one. Massimiliano Allegri found a way to do that even … Read more