“I have to go now mom. I can’t breathe.” The last words of a backpacking son, in the grip of dengue fever, spoke to his mother on the phone in the back of a Thai ambulance

A grieving mother whose son died of dengue while traveling in Asia with friends has spoken out following a global spike in the deadly virus. Jayne Toulson-Burke, from Stockport, warned travelers to take precautions after the Foreign Office issued a health warning last week amid an ‘unexpected rise’ in dengue cases and deaths. Her son … Read more

‘Every country where Britain disapproves of the government, we should create a guide for it’

In 1973, a 31-year-old Hilary Bradt went hiking in Peru and Bolivia. She traveled light, so light that she had no tent or sleeping bag. Instead, she and her then-husband George took refuge in shepherds’ huts along the way, or tied hammocks between trees. For three months they crossed the Cordillera Blanca, hiked the Inca … Read more