Ancient poppy seeds and willow wood offer clues to the last melting of the Greenland ice sheet and a glimpse of a warmer future

When we first turned our microscope on the soil sample, bits of organic matter came into view: a tiny poppy seed, the compound eye of an insect, broken willow twigs, and spores of spike moss. Dark-colored globules produced by soil fungi dominated our view. These were unmistakably the remains of an Arctic tundra ecosystem, proving … Read more

Ancient poppy seeds and willow wood offer clues to the last melting of the Greenland ice sheet and a glimpse of a warmer future

When we first turned our microscope on the soil sample, bits of organic matter came into view: a tiny poppy seed, the compound eye of an insect, broken willow twigs, and spores of spike moss. Dark-colored globules produced by soil fungi dominated our view. These were unmistakably the remains of an Arctic tundra ecosystem, proving … Read more