The risk from H5N1 has never been greater – but making our farms biosecure is harder than it seems

Imagine 40,000 people living next to each other in a shed for six weeks. Your intuition would rightly consider this a public health problem. It’s no surprise then that commercial broilers, chickens raised for their meat under such conditions, are particularly susceptible to pathogens spreading quickly through their ranks. Bacteria that cause food poisoning, such … Read more

As national wastewater testing expands, Texas researchers identify bird flu in nine cities

As health officials increasingly focus on wastewater testing as a means to track the spread of H5N1 bird flu among U.S. dairy herds, some researchers are raising questions about the effectiveness of the sewage tests. Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says current tests are standardized and will detect bird flu, some … Read more