8 Eating Habits That Actually Improve Your Sleep

aAbout 1 in 3 Americans say they are sleep deprived, and these deficits have been linked to serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and depression. Certain eating patterns can lead to more sleep, which translates to healthier, more fulfilling lives. A good night’s sleep also stabilizes your body’s hunger hormones, so you’re … Read more

What competitive eating does to the body

TOn Fourth of July, participants in Nathan’s Famous’ hot dog eating contest could scarf down 76 sausages in the time it takes to read this article. Like ultramarathoners running 50 miles or football players shrugging off heavy blows, speed eating requires natural resilience, dedicated training, and serious health risks. Some see the annual contest in … Read more

Changing your diet and lifestyle can slow Alzheimer’s disease

LThe biggest news in Alzheimer’s disease right now concerns a new drug treatment that can slow cognitive decline by nearly 30% in people in the early stages of the disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to make a decision on another such promising therapy in the coming months. But in addition to … Read more

Why your breakfast should start with a vegetable

bBefore the pandemic, Barbara Senich, a retiree from Chapel Hill, NC, was diagnosed with prediabetes, meaning the sugar levels in her blood put her at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The source of that blood sugar level was sweet foods, grains and other carbohydrates. She says she thought about it every 30 seconds, which … Read more

Why you don’t need olive oil shots

For coffee in the morning. Across the Internet, people are broadcasting a different routine: drinking a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil after getting out of bed. Soaking up the oil normally reserved for cooking has been a “game changer,” one TikToker said. “It gives my body a kick start,” said another. Others claim that a … Read more

How unhealthy is diet soda? We ask experts

Growing, Olivia Dreizen Howell, 39, ‘lived on’ diet soda. So did her family. At a family reunion in 1996, everyone wore T-shirts with their shared last name in Diet Coke-can font. “We drank Diet Coke, Diet Ginger Ale and Diet Sprite like water – there was no difference in our household,” she says. Like many, … Read more

Should you eat nightshade vegetables?

IIf you’ve ever gone down the rabbit hole of health and wellness trends online, you’ve probably come across the so-called shady side of nightshades: vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. What has suddenly made them newsworthy is that they have been singled out by self-proclaimed wellness experts and celebrity dieters as the culprits behind … Read more

The health benefits of pickles

MMaybe you’ve heard somewhere that pickles are a “superfood,” and you’ve dutifully added them to your grocery list. Unfortunately, you may end up reaching for the wrong jar, as many pickles in supermarkets aren’t exactly good for you. Scientists have made progress in separating fact from fiction when it comes to health claims about pickles: … Read more