By coating clothing with this simple material, your body can cool down by up to 8 degrees

Being outside during a heat wave can be sweaty and uncomfortable, and it can even be harmful to your health. But scientists have come up with an innovation that they believe can provide relief: clothing that physically cools the body. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a flexible, chalk-based coating that can … Read more

By coating clothing with this simple material, your body can cool down by up to 8 degrees

Being outside during a heat wave can be sweaty and uncomfortable, and it can even be harmful to your health. But scientists have come up with an innovation that they believe can provide relief: clothing that physically cools the body. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a flexible, chalk-based coating that can … Read more

Sensors Can Read Your Sweat and Predict Overheating, Here’s Why Privacy Advocates Are Worried

On a hot summer day in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, dozens of men removed pipes, asbestos and hazardous waste as they cleaned up a nuclear power plant and prepared it for demolition. Dressed in head-to-toe coveralls and respirators, the crew members working in a building without power had no visible relief from the heat. Instead, they … Read more