Perseverance rover makes steep climb to reach unexplored Martian territory

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. The Perseverance rover has begun a long climb up the steep rim of Jezero Crater, searching for some of the oldest rocks on Mars and exploring the potential of environments on the Red Planet that … Read more

Perseverance rover makes steep climb to reach unexplored Martian territory

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. The Perseverance rover has begun a long climb up the steep rim of Jezero Crater, searching for some of the oldest rocks on Mars and exploring the potential of environments on the Red Planet that … Read more

The Perseverance Rover’s Mars rock sample may contain the best evidence of possible ancient life

The chief scientist of NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover is excited about material stored in the rover’s sample tubes, dropped both on the surface of Mars and in the rover itself while orbiting Jezero Crater. Given the Martian samples Perseverance has collected so far, could one of those be what the rover was meant to look … Read more

Perseverance Mars rover to climb the crater rim in a bonus mission next spring

Nearly three years ago, NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars as part of a decades-long effort to investigate whether the now barren planet once hosted life. Jezero crater once housed a large lake and a river delta. The size of a car Perseverance, equipped with advanced cameras and scientific instruments, has so far spent its … Read more