Sunderland fans haven’t forgiven me for the ‘Sad Mackem B——-‘ T-shirt

The infamous ‘Sad Mackem B——-‘ T-shirt marked the end of Lee Clark’s time at Sunderland – North News & Pictures It took Lee Clark a while to agree to a move from his beloved Newcastle United to Sunderland, as well as a few bottles of champagne and a sustained charm offensive from manager Peter Reid. … Read more

Terry Venables, the coach who saved English football from the island

Terry Venables was so popular with the Euro 96 generation that senior England players consistently advocated his return to the country’s radioactive tracksuit. Glenn Hoddle fired? “Bring Terry back.” Kevin Keegan stops in the Wembley toilets? ‘Bring Venners back in.’ There are only echoes of it now, but for decades after 1966 English football was … Read more