El Niño is making an exit, but La Niña could bring dry conditions back to California

After a year of dominance, El Niño’s wrath has ended, but its climate-changing counterpart, La Niña, is nipping at its heels and could signal a return to drought for California. El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, also called ENSO. The tropical Pacific climate pattern is the biggest driver of … Read more

Ocean heat and the combination of La Nina likely mean more Atlantic hurricanes this summer

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prepare for what almost all experts think will be one of the busiest Atlantic hurricane seasons on record, thanks to unprecedented ocean heat and a rising La Nina. There is an 85% chance that the Atlantic hurricane season that starts in June will be above-average stormy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration … Read more

Ocean heat and the combination of La Nina likely mean more Atlantic hurricanes this summer

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prepare for what almost all experts think will be one of the busiest Atlantic hurricane seasons on record, thanks to unprecedented ocean heat and a rising La Nina. There is an 85% chance that the Atlantic hurricane season that starts in June will be above-average stormy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration … Read more

La Niña is coming, raising the chance of a dangerous Atlantic hurricane season – an atmospheric scientist explains this climate phenomenon

One of the biggest drivers of last year’s record temperatures on Earth – El Niño – is almost gone, and its opposite, La Niña, is on its way. Whether that’s a relief or not depends partly on where you live. Above-normal temperatures are still forecast in the US in the summer of 2024. And if … Read more

La Niña is coming, raising the chance of a dangerous Atlantic hurricane season – an atmospheric scientist explains this climate phenomenon

One of the biggest drivers of last year’s record temperatures on Earth – El Niño – is almost gone, and its opposite, La Niña, is on its way. Whether that’s a relief or not depends partly on where you live. Above-normal temperatures are still forecast in the US in the summer of 2024. And if … Read more

The view of El Niño as a producer of historic storms in California may be outdated

SAN DIEGO – In 1983, El Niño caused historic flooding in parts of Southern California, toppling parts of fishing piers and prompting some to travel the flooded streets by surfboard. It returned in 1998, dusting the regional mountains with snow through May. In the collective minds of Californians, the weather phenomenon defined by an eastward-moving, … Read more