A billionaire wanted to save the Hubble telescope – this is why NASA politely declined

It has been 34 years since the Hubble Space Telescope was launched into the harsh and unforgiving environment of Earth orbit. It is currently about 320 miles (515 kilometers) above our planet and is exposed to solar radiation, freezing temperatures and micrometeoroid impacts while delivering breathtaking and textbook-changing images of the universe to us. Thirty-four … Read more

The Hubble Space Telescope is facing setbacks, but should continue working for years, NASA says

Problems with one of the Hubble Space Telescope’s three remaining gyroscopes, crucial for pointing and locking onto targets, have prompted mission managers to switch to a backup control mode that will limit some observations but keep the iconic observatory well into the years will keep it operational by 2030, officials said. Tuesday . “We still … Read more