Scientists and Space Agencies Shoot for the Moon – 5 Essential Articles on Modern Moon Missions

The year 2023 turned out to be a big year for lunar science. India’s Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft landed near the moon’s south pole, a huge achievement for a country relatively new to space travel, especially after the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft crashed in 2019. At the same time, NASA is preparing for a large number of moon-related missions, … Read more

This Canadian telescope could fill the coming ‘ultraviolet gap’

Artist’s impression of the Canadian CASTOR telescope, or Cosmological Advanced Survey Telescope for Optical and UV Research. . The ultraviolet universe is invisible from Earth’s surface, and most of what we see comes from a single orbiting observatory that could be retired in just a few years. The Hubble Space Telescope is still in good … Read more

Ex-NASA Scientist Cooks About Space Food in New Memoir ‘Space Bites’

Of all the freeze-dried, thermostable and ready-to-eat food products she helped send into space, Vickie Kloeris’ personal favorite was the cherry-blueberry cobbler. Kloeris was a food scientist at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston for 34 years and not only enjoyed the cobbler, but helped develop it. “During the shuttle program, we weren’t really doing … Read more

‘Space Rescue Service’ needed for the coming era of space tourism, the report says

Rescuers on Earth can reach many harsh environments: stranded boaters in the ocean, people injured while skiing in the mountains, and plane crash victims in rural areas. But there is currently no emergency rescue system for it room – and there may be a way to change that. The nonprofit Rand Corp. suggests that a … Read more

The European I-Hab continues Spacelab’s 40-year legacy

A legacy of European-built and operated space modules that started in Earth orbit and is now headed to the moon began 40 years ago this week. From the first launch of Spacelab, a pressurized laboratory that rode in the cargo bay of a NASA space shuttle, on November 28, 1983, to Columbus, one of the … Read more

The Peregrine Lunar Lander will launch on December 24. This is what he will bring to the moon

During the wee hours of Christmas Eve this year, before the gift wrapping begins and the smell of gingerbread brightens the air, a spacecraft is ready to take off for the moon. It is called the Peregrine Falcon Moonlander, named after the fastest flying bird in the world Soil. If all goes according to plan, … Read more

China’s Chang’e 5 moon samples, out of reach of NASA for years, are finally available to American scientists

NASA has given green-lighted space agency-funded researchers permission to request access to Chinese lunar samples returned to Earth via that country’s Chang’e-5 moon mission. In December 2020, China’s Chang’e-5 lunar mission shot 3.8 pounds (1,731 grams) of moon rocks and soil back to Earth from the Oceanus Procellarum exploration site on the moon’s near side. … Read more

Medical emergencies will occur in deep space. Here’s how Canada is preparing

If astronauts fly to the moon or Mars, how do we deal with medical problems so far from home? The finalists of a technology challenge from the Canadian Space Agency and Impact Canada want to use the medical knowledge from working with remote communities – such as indigenous groups in Canada’s far north – to … Read more

NASA receives a laser message from 10 million miles away

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. An innovative experiment aboard NASA’s Psyche mission has just reached its first major milestone by successfully performing the most distant demonstration of laser communications. The tech demo could one day help NASA missions delve deeper … Read more