The workhorse of ocean drilling may have made its final voyage – here’s why scientists don’t want JOIDES resolution to be put on hold

Sadly, the JOIDES Resolution, also known as the JR, may have sailed for the last time. On August 2, 2024, it docked in Amsterdam, with no clear path to raising the $72 million per year needed to keep the ship afloat. The majority of this funding comes from the U.S. National Science Foundation, which announced … Read more

Americans love nature but don’t feel empowered to protect it, new research finds

Climate change has been in the news for over 40 years. It’s usually treated as a scientific or political problem. But social scientists like me have discovered that it’s feelings and values ​​that drive people to make broad, collective change – not graphs, charts or pictures. Polls confirm that a majority of Americans now believe … Read more