SpaceX Dragon Capsule debris the size of a car hood has crashed in North Carolina, part of a major space debris problem.

In May, a large piece of space debris crashed into the mountains of North Carolina. After investigating the incident, NASA confirmed that the incident originated from a SpaceX Dragon Capsule. This and other accidents show how difficult it is to reduce the risk of falling debris reaching Earth. NASA has confirmed that a piece of … Read more

Space debris from the SpaceX Dragon capsule crashed in the mountains of North Carolina. I had to go see it (video)

Space flight doesn’t usually come to mind when you think of the serene, green mountains of North Carolina. It’s true that NASA built the (now defunct) Rosman Satellite Tracking and Data Acquisition Facility among the rolling hills of Appalachia in the early 1960s to track Soviet satellites and relay communications for the Gemini and Apollo … Read more

Shipwrecks are teeming with marine life, from microbes to sharks

People have been sailing the world’s oceans for thousands of years, but not all of them have reached port. Researchers estimate that there are approximately three million shipwrecks worldwide, located in shallow rivers and bays, coastal waters and the deep ocean. Many sank during catastrophes – some during storms or after running aground, others during … Read more