Eat kimchi – and five easy ways to reduce belly fat (and that doesn’t include exercise)

Faddy diets often claim to target belly fat, also known as visceral fat, but no diet can guarantee weight loss in a specific area – Getty Even if you’ve never had a spare tire, the hormonal and metabolic changes that come with middle age can lead to a bulge around the middle. No diet can … Read more

The White Revolution: The Victory of India’s Dairy Sector and Its Multifaceted Impact on Society – Industry News

– By Manish Bandlish As we celebrate the 102nd birth anniversary of a visionary leader – Dr. Verghese Kurien – it becomes imperative to respect our heritage, the tremendous achievements we have made in the Indian dairy sector. Dr.’s remarkable ‘billion liter idea’ Kurien laid the foundation for the world’s most comprehensive agricultural dairy development … Read more