Labour’s secret tax increases will be merciless

Wes Streeting’s admission yesterday – that Labor has spending plans that go beyond what it promised in its manifesto – should blow open the doors and prompt a proper investigation into exactly what a Sir Keir Starmer government would do. On television, the shadow health minister admitted that the Labor manifesto is not the party’s … Read more

The right should fear Rachel Reeves more than Keir Starmer

In one of the most famous psychological experiments of the past thirty years, researchers Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons of Harvard University asked a group of young people, three in black T-shirts and three in white, to pass a basketball around in a small space. Viewers of the subsequent video were told to silently count … Read more

Tom Newton Dunn: Rachel Reeves wants to add new council tax bands… plus an income tax cut

You’re going to tax this. Well, that’s going to tax you. But you have a secret tax bomb. Well, you’ve already got it all figured out, and besides, you’re filthy stinking liars. Apart from the resurrection of St Nigel, I suspect this is the most important takeaway from this week’s general election campaign for about … Read more

Ten questions Rachel Reeves owes Britain an answer to

It was no coincidence that President Richard Nixon was nicknamed “Tricky Dicky.” His administration in the White House perfected the use of the “non-denial denial” – an answer to a question that at first glance seemed to rule out some action, but on closer inspection left the door open to the possibility or proposal . … Read more

Rachel Reeves’ seemingly empty waffle has been decoded – and it’s terrifying

The general election has been called and the respective party leaders are busy defining what it is all about. Should we recognize and cherish a slow recovery or change course to avoid chaos and incompetence? Or from another perspective, should we tether ourselves to the submerged mast of net zero, or focus on fending off … Read more