The forgotten corner of Fife – a land of big skies, empty beaches and close-knit communities

“The return of the railway to Levenmouth – home of Robinson Crusoe – after half a century reopens this forgotten corner of Fife,” smiles Andy Duff. Leven used to be one of Scotland’s most popular resorts. Now the railway is breathing new life into this land of big skies, vast waters and close-knit communities, with … Read more

Welshness is essential to the Aberystwyth experience: why I love ‘Aber’

Along the boulevard comes the crowds: drag queens uttering one-liners, farmers gossiping in Welsh, a choir out of rehearsal but still singing, and a man rapping to himself and the sky. There seem to be as many dogs as people, and twice as many seagulls, all looking at the fish and chips. At the cable … Read more

Britain’s most beautiful scenic train journeys

Glenfinnan Viaduct – Getty There is no more relaxing form of travel than by train, and no better way to enjoy the beauty and sights of a country than through a carriage window, whatever the season. When it came to seeing landscapes, Robert Louis Stevenson thought “nothing is more vivid…than from a train”. Britain has … Read more