How Jamaica’s ‘bereavement tourism’ plan will restore the slave trade

Tharp House, in Falmouth, was once the home of John Tharp, the island’s largest slave owner – Sukimac Photography Cruise ships dominate the skyline of the Jamaican town of Falmouth as holidaymakers rush off in search of the sun and sand, dominating tourism on the island. But in the shadows of the hulking Royal Caribbean … Read more

A look at the world cruise that went viral

Over the course of nine months, 27,000 passengers will visit more than 60 countries on all seven continents – Peter Bischoff ‘There will be a mutiny, there will be blood, someone will go overboard. I want to watch.” This isn’t a teaser for some Hollywood thriller, but the opening of a video shared on TikTok … Read more

All the drama on board the 9-month cruise is going viral on TikTok

(ES composite) “There will be mutiny. Blood will be shed. Someone’s going overboard. I want to watch. We’re witnessing Fyre Festival…put me on the cruise.’ These were the words of Marc Sebastian, just one of hundreds of TikTok users who in recent weeks have developed a new and all-consuming obsession: Royal Caribbean’s nine-month Ultimate World … Read more

Europe’s ‘outline cities’ – beautiful, empty and closer to the airport

Swap Milan for Bergamo in 2024 – Getty Last month, cruise giant Royal Caribbean got into trouble by advertising a trip “departing from Venice (Ravenna)” – when even the youngest geography student is sure that the historic city, while beautiful, is also a two-and-a-half-hour drive away Italy’s floating masterpiece. The Advertising Standards Authority warned of … Read more

What is involved in making a mega ship seaworthy and safe?

Icon of the Seas will be the largest cruise ship in the world: Royal Caribbean Whether you’re into cruising or going out, you’re bound to be impressed by Icon of the Seas, Royal Caribbean International’s new ship that’s set to steal the title of world’s largest cruise ship from Wonder of the Seas (also owned … Read more