Why we should be more Swedish during school holidays

It’s easy to wax nostalgic about long summer vacations from school. Back in the day, they meant disappearing on bikes with friends until the sun went down, or setting up makeshift camps in the yard with hastily thrown together picnics of buttered bread, orange squash, and the odds and ends of the snack drawer. Times … Read more

The ultimate booking guide for Boxing Day holidays

In this country you should now be booking cottages in Cornwall, Devon, Norfolk and all National Parks during the school holidays – Moment RF January is still the month in which most holidays are sold. People are desperately trying to beat the winter blues and cheer themselves up by booking their summer holidays and tour … Read more

‘I pretend my children are too sick to go to school, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to afford a Christmas holiday’

Lisa Francesca Nand and her sons are going to Spain to see family in January When their school year starts in January, Lisa Francesca Nand’s two sons are sick. Except they won’t: they’ll actually be in southern Spain with their family, enjoying a bit of sun – no back-to-school blues for them, and no guilt … Read more