Grandpa disappeared after taking a walk on the Greek island… Five years later, his family is still searching for answers

The heartbroken family of a grandfather who disappeared five years ago after walking while on holiday in Greece are still desperate for answers. John Tossell disappeared after taking a walk on the island of Zante in 2019. The then 73-year-old was last seen on CCTV leaving the hotel on June 17, 2019. No evidence of … Read more

Moment worlds of “dine and dash” couples tucking into meals without paying collapsed

They ate T-bone steaks, feasted on Chinese takeout and feasted on three-course banquets. Their bills totaled more than £1,000. But Bernard and Ann McDonagh had no intention of paying. After the couple’s latest “dine and dash” explosion, the community clocked in on what was going on. It was the evening of April 19 that the … Read more

The street where buses pass inches from the front doors of terrified people

Residents of a road in the Rhondda Valleys say they fear for their safety as Stagecoach buses illegally drive on the pavement ‘on a daily basis’ – just inches from their front door. A resident of East Road in Tylorstown claims she was almost run over by one of the buses as she stepped out … Read more