Why we should be more Swedish during school holidays

It’s easy to wax nostalgic about long summer vacations from school. Back in the day, they meant disappearing on bikes with friends until the sun went down, or setting up makeshift camps in the yard with hastily thrown together picnics of buttered bread, orange squash, and the odds and ends of the snack drawer. Times … Read more

Floods, heatwaves and hostility? What Brits visiting Spain this summer can expect

Droughts, biblical floods, rising temperatures and angry anti-tourism protesters waving “tourists go home” placards are just some of the scenarios that Spain’s most popular tourist destinations have experienced in recent months. How do you prevent your relaxing summer holiday from turning into a real holiday hell? Spain is not necessarily anti-tourism. Tourism accounts for about … Read more

How to Pack for a 10-Day Summer Vacation – With Only Hand Luggage

People often fall into two camps when packing for their summer vacation. The average traveler and the light traveler. In recent years, the badge of honor for the latter has been to pack as little as possible so that you don’t have to check a single bag. I’m a die-hard carry-on lover. With the exception … Read more

An expert guide to hiking safety

More Brits are putting on walking boots and hitting the road than ever before – and it’s no wonder given the many health benefits walking provides for both body and mind. Combined with the sights and sounds of nature, walking reduces stress and improves both mental and physical health. And once you’ve invested in a … Read more

Let’s boycott the homogeneous, all-inclusive holiday this summer

Patrick Leigh Fermor is probably turning in his grave. More than half of all summer holidays booked this year are all-inclusive packages. You know the shape: you’re zipped up, fed, watered, and entertained. Before you leave, you argue about the extras, and then you arrive home, virtually oblivious to the country you’ve just been to, … Read more

Why we should be more French about school holidays

Children can enjoy trips to the seaside during the school holidays – MOMENT RF The news that the Nuffield Foundation will soon publish a report proposing a four-week school holiday in Britain – with longer breaks instead – got me thinking about how differently the French approach family holidays than the British. When I moved … Read more