The Science Behind the Splashdown: An Aerospace Engineer Explains How NASA and SpaceX Get Spacecraft Safely Back to Earth

For about 15 minutes on July 21, 1961, American astronaut Gus Grissom felt on top of the world – and he was. Grissom crewed the Liberty Bell 7 mission, a ballistic test flight that launched him from a rocket through the atmosphere. During the test, it was in a small capsule and reached a summit … Read more

The Science Behind Splashdown: An Aerospace Engineer Explains How NASA and SpaceX Get Spacecraft Safely Back to Earth

For about 15 minutes on July 21, 1961, American astronaut Gus Grissom felt on top of the world – and he was. Grissom was a pilot on the Liberty Bell 7 mission, a ballistic test flight that launched him through the atmosphere in a rocket. During the test, he was in a small capsule and … Read more