Invasive Joro spider takes hold in US

An invasive species of spider is making itself at home in parts of the southern and eastern United States. But don’t let the Joro spider Give us a moment to look at the creepy crawlies. Between its golden webs and silk-wielding tactics to find a mate, this arachnid is a fascinating and, as far as … Read more

Popular theory claiming Easter Island’s population collapsed due to ‘ecocide’ is debunked

New archaeological research has disproved one of the world’s most famous historical narratives: the environmental cautionary tale that claimed the ancient civilization of Easter Island collapsed in the Pacific Ocean because the islanders destroyed its ecosystem. The research instead reveals how that civilization thrived through tenacity and innovation, until it was ultimately destroyed not by … Read more

Caroline Herschel was England’s first female professional astronomer, but two centuries later she still has no name recognition

Caroline Herschel, the first English professional female astronomer, made contributions to astronomy that remain important to the field today. But even many astronomers may not recognize her name. Most scientists are interested in the latest techniques, data and theories in their field, but often know very little about the history of their field. Astronomers, like … Read more