Using research to solve social problems starts with making connections and creating space for young people

Eén, twee of tien onderzoeken zullen onze meest complexe maatschappelijke uitdagingen niet oplossen.  Grote problemen vereisen samenwerking buiten de academische wereld.  <a href=Orbon Alija/E+ via Getty Images” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0OA–/ 09a6e577b8089d664″ data-src= “–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0OA–/ e577b8089d664″/>

When scientists conduct research on a specific social challenge, they often hope that their work will help solve that larger problem. Yet translating findings into sustainable, community-driven solutions is much more difficult than most people expect.

It seems intuitive that scientists who study living organisms, microbes and ecosystems can apply their findings to address food shortages, keep the environment healthy and improve human and animal health. But it’s not always that easy. Issues such as climate change, renewable energy, public health and migration are complex, making immediate solutions difficult to develop and implement.

Because a group of researchers has invested in helping scientists create meaningful impact with their work, we understand that these types of problems require experts from different fields and industries to work together.

This means that we may need to reevaluate certain aspects of the research process and embrace new perspectives if we as members of the scientific community want to improve our ability to produce solutions-oriented research.

Defining use-inspired research

Science does not take place in a vacuum. Factors such as the availability of funding, access to advanced technologies and political or social contexts can influence the types of studies conducted. A framework called use-inspired research and engagement, or UIRE, recognizes this fact.

In use-inspired research, the potential applications of findings to society determine the directions of research.

In UIRE, researchers work with members of a community to figure out what questions to investigate. They form partnerships with other stakeholders, including governments, companies of all sizes, and nonprofits, to form a collaborative foundation. This way, researchers can tailor their studies from the start so that they are useful and useful to decision makers.

Translational research, or the intentional anchoring of scientific research in practical applications, is not new. Use-inspired research expands on translational research, prioritizing building connections between practitioners and communities.

In the US, the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act in 2022 further codified usage-inspired research. The law established $280 billion over the next decade to fund scientific research to boost domestic competitiveness, innovation, and national security.

This legislation also authorized the creation of the National Science Foundation’s Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships Directorate, called NSF TIP. TIP marks the agency’s first new directorate in more than three decades, created with the aim of fueling the growth of diverse innovation and technology landscapes.

Producing science in partnership

In use-inspired research and engagement, collaboration is an important part of any project from the beginning, when researchers first decide what to study. These collaborative partnerships continue throughout data collection and analysis. Together, these teams apply the results and develop products, implement behavioral changes, or further inform decision-making in the community.

For example, a large hospital, an academic organization, and several nonprofit organizations can work together to research issues that impact healthcare accessibility in the region. Researchers collect data through surveys and interviews, and interpret the findings within the specific circumstances of the community. They can then coordinate data evaluation with healthcare and nonprofit partners, taking into account socioeconomic status, cultural beliefs, and built infrastructure such as grocery stores and public transportation.

A small group of medical professionals gathers around a table.  They are all dressed professionally and there are files scattered around.

This approach combines the broad perspectives of a large hospital network, academic expertise in survey creation and data analysis, and specialized knowledge of nonprofit organizations. These groups can then work together further to develop specific programs, such as educational initiatives and improved health care services. They can tailor these to the needs of the community they serve.

Usage-inspired research is important because it looks holistically at all the different problems a community faces and keeps them in mind when exploring possible solutions. UIRE is not a substitute for basic, basic research, which investigates new questions to fundamentally understand a subject. Rather, it is an approach that focuses on selecting questions and developing methods based on their real-world importance.

UIRE creates a foundation for long-term, inclusive partnerships – and not just within academia. Government, community organizations, large corporations and startups can all use the same principles of UIRE to share ideas and create solutions to problems facing their communities. Individuals from all backgrounds are equally integral to the entire process, further amplifying the views presented.

Usage-inspired methods are not only relevant for improving research results. A usage-inspired approach drives innovation and technological progress across all sectors. When used in primary and secondary education classrooms, UIRE leads to well-rounded students.

This approach can also improve learning in workforce development spaces, creating employees trained to build connections.

UIRE provides platforms for the general public to engage in conversations about issues that impact their lives that they might not otherwise have been a part of.

Leveraging Early Career Engagement

Use-inspired methods challenge not only how, but also who contributes to and benefits from scientific research. They also focus on making the findings accessible to people outside academia.

To devise the necessary solutions to complex social problems, institutions will have to continue to support traditional scientists who excel in purely fundamental research. At the same time, they can support training in usage-inspired domains.

Early career professionals across all sectors will continue to play an important role in spreading and sustaining the cultural shifts needed to embrace use-inspired research more broadly. These early-career professionals can bring fresh ideas to the table and create innovative approaches to problems.

To support translational research in the long term, institutions and regulators can support students with hands-on learning opportunities, from the first year of undergraduate studies to postdoctoral fellowships. These opportunities can help students learn about UIRE and equip them with the skills needed to build cross-sector partnerships before entering the job market.

By receiving mentorship from individuals outside of academia, students and trainees can be exposed to different career paths and find motivation to pursue opportunities outside of traditional academic roles. This mentorship promotes creative problem solving and adaptability.

UIRE offers a potential framework for addressing complex societal challenges. Creating opportunities for youth’s continued engagement will sow a vibrant future for use-inspired research and engagement.

This article is republished from The Conversation, an independent nonprofit organization providing facts and trusted analysis to help you understand our complex world. It was written by: Zoey England, University of Connecticut; Jennifer Forbey, Boise State Universityand Michael Muszynski, University of Hawaii

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Zoey England is currently completing a Use-Inspired Research Science Communications fellowship funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. She has also received funding from CTNext.

Jennifer Forbey receives funding from the National Science Foundation.

Michael Muszynski receives funding from the National Science Foundation. He is affiliated with the Maize Genetics Cooperative.

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