What is the 80/20 diet and is it healthy?

Data from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that 17.1% of American adults follow a specific diet and nearly half of adult Americans (49.1%) are trying to lose weight. Given the popularity of restrictive and weight-loss-oriented eating plans, it’s likely that fad diets are on your radar if you’re interested in losing weight.

The 80/20 diet is a popular way of eating that seems to be making a resurgence thanks to its flexibility and convenience. But is it right for you? We spoke to nutritionists to find out more about what you need to know and who should consider the 80/20 diet as part of their lifestyle.

What is the 80/20 diet and is it healthy?

The 80/20 diet is one of the few that tells you what it is about in the name. Those on an 80/20 diet enjoy nutrient-rich foods (think: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, dairy, etc.) 80% of the time, while eating 20% ​​of their diet (or a few food items) allow opportunities) to include less nutrient dense choices.

According to Christy Brissette, MS, RD, president of 80 Twenty Nutrition in Laguna Beach, California: “The 80/20 way of eating means we prioritize minimally processed foods (such as fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, fish and poultry, eggs, whole grains, nuts, and seeds) while also enjoying foods that are delicious but may contain more added sugar or saturated fat. That could mean going out for pizza or a glass of wine with friends, or having a few scoops of ice cream for dessert.”

Research is still evolving and as of yet there is no solid body of evidence supporting the 80/20 diet as healthy for everyone. But a small case report published in the 2020 issue of Integrative medicine found that by using a multifaceted approach to treating obesity, the 80/20 diet offered the patient flexibility after coming off an elimination diet. Not only did it help prevent them from feeling deprived, it also reduced the urge to binge eat.

Benefits of the 80/20 Diet

A well-balanced diet should include a variety of nutrient-rich foods. However, there are many reasons why we eat more than just food, and our diets should make room for the foods we like, regardless of their nutritional value. Proponents of the 80/20 diet say it allows for both options. Let’s take a look at what experts see as the main benefits of this way of eating.

You can build a foundation for an overall healthy diet

The 80/20 diet can help individuals learn the basics of a healthy diet, in line with what the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 encourage. Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND, an award-winning nutritionist and… Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Up Your Veggies: Flexitarian recipes for the whole family, shares, “The majority of your diet will consist of healthy foods from several food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and milk and dairy products.” This advice is best used as a guideline to help you put together your meals and snacks in a balanced way.

You don’t have to be very restrictive

Have your cake and eat it too? Both experts agree that this is an attractive part of the 80/20 diet. Amidor says: “You don’t have to feel deprived; many diets are very strict and do not allow sweets and treats, leaving the individual feeling very restricted. Often this can lead to them feeling guilty about indulging in even a small treat.”

Brissette echoes Amidor, saying, “There are no restrictions on what you can eat, so your favorite foods are all on your plan. This means more pleasure and satisfaction from eating and less stress about what to eat and what not to eat. Restrictive diets can lead to eating disorders and food anxiety.”

It is not focused on counting calories or macros

It can be difficult to calculate or record each meal. Fortunately, with the 80/20 diet you don’t have to do that either. Brissette says, “I appreciate that with 80/20 eating the emphasis is not on calories or macros, but on the quality of the diet. It’s about the big picture. Your overall diet is what I think is most important, not what you ate at that one meal or snack.”

Disadvantages of the 80/20 diet

While the 80/20 diet has some positive qualities, there are also some potential drawbacks to keep in mind.

It lacks structure

If you like structure, this may not be the best choice for you. Because it is up to individuals to decide what food they want to consume and how they want to eat it, it can be challenging for some to make the best eating choices on a regular basis. Brissette says: “For people who like to eat in a very detailed way, the flexible nature of this eating plan may feel too loose for them.” There are countless ways to achieve a healthy and balanced diet, and it will look different for everyone. To get individualized advice on how to achieve your nutrition goals, it is best to talk to a registered dietitian rather than relying on diet.

It may not teach you to regulate emotions without the use of food

Understanding how to manage emotions without the use of food can be difficult for some people, including nutritionists. Amidor shares, “Healthy habits are not learned, especially when it comes to cravings.” While there are certainly options that may suit you better to satisfy a sweet tooth (like fresh or dried fruit), learning to manage your stress without relying on the 20% for flexible food.

You may be stuck with numbers

While this diet may not require you to enter foods on a daily basis, Brissette shares that clients sometimes get hung up on the numbers. “What does 80% of their diet really look like? Is it based on calories, macros, or number of meals or snacks? For the most part, I think it’s helpful to look at your patterns throughout the week and give yourself credit when you go over that 20% during special occasions or holidays.

Being able to eat intuitively means listening to signals of hunger and fullness, and knowing that all foods are allowed at any time. Trying to be strict about limiting certain foods can defeat the purpose of building a flexible and sustainable healthy diet.

It can lead to foods being labeled as ‘good’ versus ‘bad’

If there’s one thing most nutritionists agree on, it’s probably that dichotomous labeling isn’t the best way to think about foods. Brissette agrees: ‘Another aspect I don’t like is that this approach necessitates classifying foods as ’80’ or ’20’, or ‘healthier’ versus ‘less healthy’. This can encourage black and white thinking, and foods are complex. The intent of this plan is not to villainize certain foods or promote others. It is intended to encourage reflection and help people understand that as long as we do our best to make healthy choices, we are taking good care of ourselves.”

Should You Try the 80/20 Diet?

Maybe, but maybe not. As Brissette explained, nutrition is not black and white. While Amidor agrees that someone who “doesn’t like a lot of structure” and is able to be moderate will thrive on this way of eating, it can be more challenging for others. Additionally, it can reinforce the idea of ​​”bad” food. This can harm your relationship with food in the long run compared to eating more intuitively without a focus on hitting specific percentages.

While Brissette thinks this is a good approach for many people, she advises those with a health problem to work one-on-one with a registered dietitian to determine what healthy eating should look like for their unique health needs.

It comes down to

The 80/20 diet is a flexible eating plan that allows individuals to practice balance and moderation in their food choices. With this in mind, it can certainly be considered a healthy option for those who want guidance in building a balanced diet. However, experts recommend working with a registered dietitian to ensure your personal health goals are met without having to follow a specific diet plan.

Read next: These are the best and worst diets of 2023, according to the US News & Health Report

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