What is the difference between the displays?

LED TVs are more energy efficient than LCD TVs. DrGrounds/Getty Images

When you weigh the different options in display technology, you may be faced with one LCD vs LED dilemma. Although they sound the same, they represent different technologies with their own unique features and benefits.

LED stands for “light-emitting diode”, while LCD stands for “liquid crystal display”. The distinction between the two has to do with the type and placement of their respective lights. To fully understand the differences between LCD and LED monitors, let’s take a closer look at how both displays work.

LCD and LED basics

LCD screens have been a cornerstone in the world of visual displays for decades. The principle behind LCD technology consists of liquid crystals sandwiched between two transparent electrodes. When you subject these liquid crystals to an electric current, they align to control the passage of light through the screen.

Traditional LCD screens use cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) behind the screen for illumination. These lamps serve as a light source and emit light that passes through the liquid crystal layer to create images. People use LCDs widely in electronics such as computer monitors and televisions.

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. Unlike LCDs, LEDs use an array of semiconductor light-emitting diodes to produce light. Each diode emits its own light when current passes through it, eliminating the need for a separate light source such as CCFLs.

LCD vs LED: 8 main differences

LEDs offer several advantages over traditional LCDs.

They consume less power, offer higher brightness levels and have superior contrast ratios. LED technology also allows for thinner screens with better image quality, compared to their LCD counterparts. It’s no wonder that LED screens have slowly become the preferred choice of consumers and TV manufacturers alike.

Here’s how the two displays stack up against each other in the key comparison categories.

1. Light source

LCD monitors and TVs typically use cold cathode fluorescent lamp backlight technology. These lamps provide the light source needed to illuminate the LCD panel.

LED monitors and TVs, on the other hand, use LED backlighting. LEDs serve as a light source and offer better efficiency and brightness control, compared to CCFLs.

2. Energy efficiency

LED displays are known for their superior energy efficiency compared to LCDs. LED backlighting consumes less power, resulting in lower energy bills and less impact on the environment.

LED monitors and TVs are designed to produce direct light, minimizing the wasted energy you typically associate with CCFL backlighting in LCD displays.

3. Image quality

When it comes to picture quality, LED screens often outperform LCDs. LED screens offer higher brightness levels, deeper contrast ratios and more vibrant colors.

The use of LED backlighting allows better control over individual pixels, resulting in sharper images. LED panels also typically have a wider color gamut, which also improves overall image quality.

4. Thinness

An important advantage of LED displays is their thinness. LED monitors and LED televisions can achieve sleek and slim designs, thanks to the compact nature of LED backlight technology.

LCD monitors and TVs, on the other hand, can be thicker, especially those with CCFL backlights, which require extra space.

5. Local dimming

LED screens often include local dimming technology to improve contrast and black levels. This feature can dynamically adjust the brightness of specific areas of the screen, resulting in deeper blacks and better overall image quality.

Although some high-end LCD televisions also offer local dimming, LED screens are generally better in this category.

6. Viewing angle

Although modern LCD panels have improved viewing angles (compared to earlier models), they can still exhibit color distortion or reduced brightness when viewed from extreme angles, which can make for a frustrating viewing experience.

On the other hand, LED backlight technology provides more uniform illumination across the entire screen in LED monitors and TVs. This helps maintain consistent image quality over a wider viewing angle, such as when viewing the screen from an off-center position.

7. Costs

While LED displays typically offer better performance, they also often come with a higher price tag compared to traditional LCDs. The advanced technology and materials in LED backlighting contribute to the higher price tag.

However, over time, the energy savings and longevity of LED screens can offset your initial investment.

8. Longevity

LED TVs last longer with a lifespan of approximately 100,000 hours. On the other hand, LCD TVs have a lifespan of about half that, or 50,000 hours. This can make an LED display a worthwhile investment if you’re looking for an option that will last as long as possible.

More practical applications of LED and LCD screens

In addition to their use in televisions and computer monitors, LED and LCD displays are also used in other industries and environments.

Signage and video walls

Both LED and LCD displays are common in digital signage applications in indoor environments, such as retail stores, airports and corporate offices, where space constraints and controlled lighting conditions exist.

LED displays are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, due to their high brightness levels, wider viewing angles and durability under various weather conditions.

For video walls, you can use both LED and LCD screens. A video wall consists of multiple display panels arranged seamlessly to create a larger viewing area. They are popular in command centers, entertainment venues and corporate lobbies.


LED and LCD screens are also integral components of gaming consoles and gaming laptops. Some gamers prefer LCD monitors with fast response times and high refresh rates for smoother gameplay and less motion blur. Meanwhile, LED-backlit displays improve visual clarity, color accuracy and contrast, contributing to an immersive gaming experience.

What is an OLED screen?

When researching LCD and LED screens, you may also come across a so-called OLED screen. An organic light-emitting diode display is a type of display technology that uses organic compounds to emit light when an electric current is applied.

Unlike traditional LED and LCD screens, which require a backlight to illuminate the screen, OLED screens produce their own light one pixel at a time.

The structure of an OLED display consists of several organic layers, sandwiched between two conductors. When an electric current passes through these organic layers, it stimulates the emission of light. Organic LED displays are made up of individual OLED pixels, each of which can emit its own light and produce colors independently.

One of the main advantages of OLED displays is their ability to achieve true blacks and infinite contrast ratios. Because you can completely turn OLED pixels off to display black, OLED screens can achieve deeper blacks and higher contrast levels – compared to LCD and LED screens, which rely on backlighting.

OLED displays also offer wider viewing angles, faster response times and better color accuracy compared to traditional display technologies. The downside is that OLED screens are prone to burn-in and have higher production costs compared to LCD screens.

However, advances in OLED technology continue to address these challenges, making OLED displays increasingly popular in consumer electronics including smartphones, televisions, computer monitors and automotive displays.

What are quantum dots?

To better understand color performance and image quality in both LED and LCD displays, you should familiarize yourself with quantum dots, the semiconductor nanocrystals that have received a lot of attention in the display industry due to their ability to improve the performance of both LED and LCD displays. improve screens. and LCD screens.

Quantum dots are primarily a backlight technology in displays, serving to improve the color accuracy, brightness and energy efficiency of LEDs and LCDs, making them more competitive with other display technologies, such as OLED.

Quantum dot technology is becoming increasingly common in high-end displays, including premium LED TVs and LCD monitors, giving consumers an immersive viewing experience.

In LED screens, quantum dots form a color conversion layer in combination with blue LEDs. Blue LEDs are the primary light source and quantum dots convert some of the blue light into red and green wavelengths, creating a broader color spectrum.

This process, known as photoluminescence, allows LED displays to achieve a wider color gamut and more accurate colors, resulting in richer images.

In LCD displays, quantum dots are part of a technology called quantum dot enhancement film (QDEF). QDEF is a thin film of quantum dots that manufacturers place between the backlight source and the LCD panel.

The quantum dots in QDEF absorb blue light from the LED backlight and re-emit it as pure red and green light. This process allows LCD displays to produce a wider color range and higher color saturation, approaching the color reproduction performance of OLED displays.

This article was created using AI technology, then fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

Original article: LCD vs LED: what is the difference between the displays?

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