11 tips from pros to take the most dramatic photos

Astrophotographer and keynote speaker Jon Carmichael (left) captured this iconic image of the 2017 total solar eclipse that passed over the US.Jon Carmichael

  • Even smartphones can take beautiful photos of the total solar eclipse on April 8.

  • It’s crucial that you scout a great location and practice your shots ahead of time.

  • For best results, take a shot with more than just the sun in the frame.

Whether you’re on the ground or in the air during this year’s Great American Eclipse, you can take beautiful photos with a digital camera or a smartphone. You just need to plan ahead a little.

“The last thing you want to do is try to catch it by ear when it’s happening, because you’ll miss it,” says astrophotographer Jon Carmichael, who in 2017 captured one of the most stunning photos of a solar eclipse ever. told Business Insider.

Here’s how to take the best photos, according to Carmichael and Andrew Studer, a photographer whose work has been published by National Geographic and BBC Earth, to name a few.

1. Go to totality

NASA image showing the United States with a dark band stretching from Texas to Maine, indicating the path of totality.NASA image showing the United States with a dark band stretching from Texas to Maine, indicating the path of totality.

The path of totality for this year’s Great American Eclipse begins in Texas and runs through the eastern US all the way to Maine.NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

Tens to hundreds of millions of people in the US will experience a partial solar eclipse on April 8. However, a smaller percentage will have the life-changing opportunity to witness something called totality, when the moon completely eclipses the sun.

If you are already on the path of totality, you are in great shape. If you’re not in the path of totality, you can still get some nice photos, but they won’t be as dramatic because even if the moon covers 99% of the sun, the sky is still significantly brighter than when the sun is 100 degrees. % darkened.

“It’s literally a night and day difference” compared to the partial solar eclipse that will be visible over more of the U.S., Carmichael said.

More than 30 million people will be in the path of totality, which will move from Texas to Maine. You can check if you’re one of them with this handy NASA map.

2. Scout your spot and have a backup

Dark clouds almost cover a partial solar eclipse.Dark clouds almost cover a partial solar eclipse.

Clouds can block and ruin the experience of a total solar eclipse.Laurie Ambrose/Getty Images

The most important factor for great eclipse photos is something we have no control over: the weather.

When deciding where to view the total solar eclipse, choose your ideal spot, taking into account historical weather patterns for early April, Carmichael said.

Then have a backup location if the forecast is cloudy.

Even if you have to view the eclipse from the side of the road, clear skies are more important than a more picturesque but cloudy vantage point, he said.

3. Use apps to your advantage

The diamond ring affects a total solar eclipseThe diamond ring affects a total solar eclipse

Jon Carmichael captured the so-called diamond ring effect in this photo of a total solar eclipse.Jon Carmichael

There are many apps that can help you take a great eclipse photo.

Studer recommends PhotoPills, which allows you to map the position of the moon and sun in advance.

Carmichael likes Solar Snap, an app developed by former Hubble Space Telescope Astronomer Doug Duncan that acts as a solar filter for smartphones and lets you take great long-exposure photos of the sky.

It is important to have a filter on your smartphone or camera. Otherwise, if you point it at the sun during an eclipse, you could concentrate too much heat on it and destroy the electronics.

4. Consider renting equipment

A total solar eclipse with the moon as a black circle on top of the sun.A total solar eclipse with the moon as a black circle on top of the sun.

In this photo of a total solar eclipse, you can see the solar corona as thin white strings protruding from the moon’s shadow.Jon Carmichael

It is possible to take a great photo of the total solar eclipse with your smartphone or a simple digital camera. But if you want a close-up of the sun and moon, you need a telephoto lens.

Studer recommends renting one. A 200 millimeter (mm) lens is good for most shots, he said, while a 400mm lens will reveal even more details, such as the sun’s corona or craters on the moon.

5. Go automated

Camera set to automatically photograph a solar eclipse.Camera set to automatically photograph a solar eclipse.

Don’t miss the experience of a lifetime because you are hidden behind a lens.Arctic Images/Getty Images

You don’t want to spend the entire time during the eclipse trying to get the best photo. You miss the chance to admire this cosmic event without looking through a lens or screen.

“I guarantee everyone that this will be the greatest moment you will ever experience in your life,” Carmichael said.

With that in mind, Carmichael recommends using a tripod and adjusting the camera settings so it can automatically take photos while you take a moment for yourself.

The period of totality during this solar eclipse will be up to 4 minutes and 26 seconds, depending on your location. So you can even take a few photos yourself and then enjoy the whole thing yourself, if you have the right timing.

6. Practice 24 hours in advance

A partial solar eclipse looks crimson due to thick plum forest fire smoke.A partial solar eclipse looks crimson due to thick plum forest fire smoke.

Know where the sun is in the sky at the time of the eclipse so you can best plan the photos you want to take.Manfred Gottschalk/Getty Images

Once you’ve found the perfect location, get there 24 hours before the eclipse.

“It’s really good to spend the day before you start planning things,” Studer said.

The sun is in almost the same place as it is during the eclipse, so use its position to plan where you stand, how you frame your photo, and what angles you shoot from.

7. Don’t forget glasses – for your phone

Solar eclipse glasses to be distributed by the community are pictured in Depoe Bay, Oregon, US, August 8, 2017. REUTERS/Jane RossSolar eclipse glasses to be distributed by the community are pictured in Depoe Bay, Oregon, US, August 8, 2017. REUTERS/Jane Ross

Solar eclipse glasses can protect more than just your eyes. Thomson Reuters

Make sure your gear is secure before you start shooting on the day of the eclipse. This is especially important if you’re taking photos with a smartphone, which has a delicate light sensor, Carmichael said.

The easiest solution is to hold eclipse glasses over the phone lens to help filter the light. If you use a camera, a solar filter can help you take a great photo without damage.

8. Add other subjects besides the moon and sun

The moon partially obscures the sun in the sky with palm trees and the ocean in the foreground.The moon partially obscures the sun in the sky with palm trees and the ocean in the foreground.

Don’t just try to take a photo of the sun and moon during a total solar eclipse. Include other subjects in your photo.Jon Carmichael

Although the moon and sun are the stars of the eclipse, having other subjects in your photo helps give it context, Studer told BI.

He took this approach with his famous photo from 2017, which shows a mountain climber against the backdrop of the solar eclipse.

Whether it’s a dramatic rock formation, a tree or the profile of someone you love, the combination of a subject and the sun is very powerful.

“Having a subject in the image makes it more fun, unique and special for the photographer,” Studer said.

9. Zoom out

Total solar eclipse at top right of photo, with the moon's shadow falling on the mountainous land below.Total solar eclipse at top right of photo, with the moon's shadow falling on the mountainous land below.

Jon Carmichael was thousands of feet in the air when he took a series of photos that culminated in this iconic image, considered one of the best eclipse photos ever taken.Jon Carmichael

Carmichael’s famous photo taken in 2017 took shape in his mind long before the actual event.

He knew he wanted to take a wide-angle photo that included not only the eclipsed sun, but also the shadow of the moon and the shape of the land around him.

To take such photos, his advice is simple: “Zoom out,” especially if you’re on a mountain or other high vantage point.

For his famous photo, Carmichael was thousands of feet in the air in a commercial airplane from the Southwest.

10. Look around

Order of the 2019 annular solar eclipse.Order of the 2019 annular solar eclipse.

Totality is only part of a total solar eclipse. gee keng cheong / Getty Images

While your eyes are focused on the sun during an eclipse, a lot is happening around you, Carmichael said.

During the partial periods of the eclipse (before and after totality), the shadows take on a distinct crescent shape, there is a dramatic 360-degree sunset effect, and animals often behave strangely.

All of these phenomena can make for great photos, Carmichael said.

11. Enjoy it

solar eclipse glassessolar eclipse glasses

This year’s total solar eclipse is a once-in-a-lifetime event for some. Take advantage of it, enjoy the moment!Sean Gallup/Getty Images

In 2044, another total solar eclipse will cross the continental US, but it typically takes about 1,000 years for the path of an eclipse’s totality to return to the same spot.

For most, the April 8 solar eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so take your time to enjoy it.

“It’s a perfect time to pause, look up at the sky and appreciate something so wonderful,” Carmichael said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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