Can’t Lose Those Pounds? How Mitochondrial ‘Gridlock’ Could Be Keeping You From Losing Weight—And How to Fight It

Have you been getting some extra exercise over the summer months? You’re certainly not alone.

Before you start a strict diet where you switch calories on and off, you may want to consider whether the mitochondrial blockage will make it difficult to lose that stubborn fat.


Number on the scale not moving? Try some other mitochondria-based tipsPhoto: Getty

We now know that a complex combination of factors plays a role when it comes to keeping weight stable.

Perhaps most surprising is that it’s not just the amount of food you put on your plate that affects your waist size.

You may not be familiar with the term “mitochondria,” but according to health experts, these tiny cell components could be the secret to fighting off those extra pounds from summer vacation.

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells that power all the chemical reactions that keep us alive.

The mitochondria are located deep within these cells, where they create energy known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The amount of energy they produce keeps your metabolism going, helping you better manage your weight.

Women’s health expert Dr Sarah Jenkins says: “Mitochondria have an indirect influence on weight gain and loss.

“They are part of a complex energy production process and if any step in this process is not functioning properly, our cells do not get the quality of energy we need.”

Most read in Diet & Nutrition

Eating the wrong foods can cause the mitochondria to become clogged and sluggish.

Research published in the journal Nature Metabolism shows that being overweight changes the structure of mitochondria, reducing their ability to burn fat.

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Here are some of the best ways to strengthen these tiny cell structures and get the best summer body ever.

1. Streamline your macros

Eating too much of one food is never good. To keep your mitochondria functioning properly, it is important to eat a balanced plate full of nutrients.

If we consume too much of one macronutrient (carbohydrates, fat, protein) instead of a balanced diet, it can lead to a blockage of the mitochondria.

By balancing your macronutrient intake, the mitochondria can determine how much and which macronutrients to use. But if our diet is not right, our mitochondria cannot function optimally.

Fasting helps to cleanse your body and use all the stored energy, which can be very beneficial.

Dr. Sarah Jenkins women’s health expert

Dr Jenkins says: “We then eat more sugary foods or carbohydrates to try to balance our energy levels, but this overwhelms our system with the wrong type of energy.

“Divide your plate into one quarter lean protein like tofu, eggs or chicken, one quarter complex carbohydrates like whole wheat bread, brown rice or brown pasta and healthy fats like avocado or olive oil.

“Spend the remaining half on non-starchy vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, to maximize your mitochondrial power.”

What a balanced board looks like


What a balanced board looks like

2. Schedule a workout before breakfast

Exercise is essential to increase mitochondrial activity, so keep moving, but make sure you do it the right way.

Research shows that exercising while fasting can help your mitochondria by prompting your body to efficiently switch from burning glucose to burning fat.

The easiest way to avoid this is to get some exercise before breakfast, if you can tolerate it!

According to a 2019 study by Australian scientists, high-intensity exercise is more effective at boosting mitochondrial activity than low- or moderate-intensity exercise.

3. Plan your meals

Time-restricted eating, where you eat within a specific time frame (for example, 16:8, where you eat all your meals within eight hours), is one way to kick-start your mitochondria into action.

A study published in the journal PLoS One shows that time-controlled fasting helps slow the aging of mitochondria.

Dr. Jenkins says, “Fasting helps clean out your system and use up all that stored energy, so it can be really helpful.”

There are many different methods, but for many people it is most feasible to eat all three main meals between 10am and 6pm.

So you start with a later breakfast, an early lunch and an early dinner.

This gives your body enough time to digest the food and switches to fat burning mode.

4. Away with lazy mornings

You may love to laze around in bed watching Saturday Kitchen, but your mitochondria don’t!

Our bodies function according to a circadian rhythm: an internal 24-hour cycle that controls various metabolic and hormonal activities.

If this is not in balance, our mitochondria can become slower, so it is a good idea to rethink your daily routine.

Try to go to bed no later than 10pm and get up at 7am to help your body get into a healthy circadian rhythm.

5. Take CoQ10

When it comes to supernutrients, CoQ10 is high on the list.

Concentrated amounts of this vitamin-like compound are found in the mitochondria, where it stimulates energy production.

“Mitochondrial support requires high-quality CoQ10, which supplies the proper energy to the mitochondria,” adds Dr. Jenkins.

It is found in food, and liver is considered the richest source.

But if you’re not a fan of organ meats (and that’s okay), beets, poultry, legumes, and soy products are good sources.

And if you want an extra boost, a CoQ10 supplement may be a solution.

How Poor Sleep Affects Weight

Earlier in The Sun, experts explained how sleep is closely linked to weight.

Disrupts hunger hormones

Ghrelin is a hormone released after the brain signals that the stomach is empty, while leptin is released by fat cells to suppress hunger and signal to the brain that you are full.

Research has shown that when you don’t get enough sleep, the body produces more ghrelin and less leptin. This makes you hungrier.

A study of 12 men, led by the University of Chicago, found that two days of sleep deprivation reduced blood leptin levels by 18 percent, while ghrelin levels increased by 28 percent.

The men reported a 24 percent increase in their hunger and appetite compared to the period when they spent two nights resting.

More time to eat

The less you sleep, the more you are awake, which gives you more opportunity to eat.

In the modern world, people are awake for up to 17 hours at a time – from 7am to noon. That leaves a huge window to be awake and eat.

If you struggle with both your weight and your sleep, try eating your meals three to four hours before bed. That might mean limiting your eating window to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Search for takeaway meals

If you have strange sleeping patterns, chances are your eating patterns are off as well.

When we have trouble sleeping, we often reach for ready meals, ready meals, oven meals and more. However, when we are energetic, we are more motivated to cook healthy.

Eat more calories than normal

Research shows that the less sleep you get, the more calorie-dense foods you eat.

A study in Chicago found that men ate more at a buffet after four nights of poor sleep in a row than when they were rested.

They consumed about 340 more calories, mainly because they ate more snacks and carbohydrate-rich foods.

Researchers from King’s College London also found that adults consumed an extra 385 calories (the equivalent of one and a half Mars bars) on days they missed sleep, combining the results of 11 previous studies.

More desire for food

Foods, especially those high in calories, are more palatable when we are sleep deprived because we subconsciously know that they will boost our energy.

A German study of 32 healthy men showed how much effort sleepy people would go to for high-calorie snacks.

After a normal meal and a restful or restless night’s sleep, the men were given three euros to spend on snacks and had to bid the maximum amount they were willing to spend on each item.

When sleep deprived, participants were willing to pay extra for the unhealthy foods they were allowed to eat afterwards, indicating a stronger desire.

Fat storage more likely

Scientists warn that lack of sleep changes the way the body handles food, which can lead to weight gain.

A study found that men who ate a large bowl of chili mac and cheese after four nights of poor sleep responded differently to the food than men who were well-rested.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University showed that blood tests showed that lipids (fats) from food were removed more quickly, suggesting they were stored almost immediately.

The process did not return to its normal pace, even after the men had had a long night’s sleep.

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