Pass the potatoes, or take a pass?

If you say “potato” and then say “healthy,” some people will call your thinking half-baked. At best, potatoes are often viewed as a starchy vegetable that lacks the status of nutritional stars like leafy greens or carrots. At worst, taters are the basis for all kinds of salty, greasy snacks – and a metaphor for … Read more

Farmers Market, Food Bank Dedicated to Feeding Missourians • Missouri Independent

When Katie Molitor joined the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture in 2019, she knew Boone County needed to put nutritious and affordable food on more tables. Two years later, she came up with a plan: give patients a year’s worth of prescriptions for fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement their diet. The idea caught on … Read more

The FAO estimates that there are $12.7 trillion in hidden costs in the journey of food from farm to table

Health and environmental factors are among the top hidden costs estimated in the agri-food system, according to a recent report from the Food and Agriculture Organization. The report, released ahead of the COP28 climate conference, underlines the need for urgent transformation in food systems, which is also on the COP28 agenda. The total hidden costs … Read more

What is the nutritional value of whole soybeans?

When you think about soybean value, you probably think about acres planted, crop production and price trends. But have you ever considered soybeans as a worthwhile investment in your overall nutritional health? Just a few years ago, that’s exactly what Karen Ballard set out to do. As a former Extension researcher and now row crop … Read more

Grow up and control your diet – The New Indian Express

Express News Service CHENNAI: Adolescence (13 to 18 years) is a period of significant growth and physical development, which includes changes in body composition, metabolic and hormonal fluctuations, the maturation of organ systems and the formation of nutrient deposits, which can influence future health. In terms of nutrition, it is also an important time to … Read more

Can loneliness lead to diabetes? New research reveals the role of physical activity and BMI

This is evident from a recent study published in the journal Nutrientsresearchers evaluate the mediating effects of physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and diet quality on the association between loneliness and diabetes. Study: The association between loneliness and diabetes is mediated by physical activity and BMI, but not by diet quality. Image credits: asylsun … Read more

How diet affects chronic pain

You’ve probably heard the expression, “You are what you eat.” But how much of a role does diet play in chronic pain, and could changing your diet reduce the pain you feel? A balanced diet is known to contain essential vitamins, minerals and macronutrients necessary for proper functioning. Your diet can also affect your energy … Read more