The European Digital Markets Act is forcing technology giants to make changes. Here’s what that will look like

LONDON (AP) — Europeans scrolling on their phones and computers this week will get new choices for default browsers and search engines, where they can download iPhone apps and how their personal online data is used. They are part of changes required under the Digital Markets Act, a set of European Union regulations that target … Read more

Scientists want to build 62 miles of curtains around ‘doomsday glacier’ for a $50 billion Hail Mary to save it

The Thwaites Glacier is the widest in the world, but it loses enormous amounts of ice every year.NASA Geoengineers plan to test massive underwater curtains that could slow the catastrophic melting of glaciers. The Thwaites, also known as the ‘doomsday glacier’, has lost more than 1 trillion tons of ice since 2000. If the Thwaites … Read more

Are we in the ‘Anthropocene’, the human age? No, say scientists.

The Triassic was the beginning of the dinosaurs. The Paleogene saw the rise of mammals. The Pleistocene included the last ice ages. Is it time to mark humanity’s transformation of the planet with its own chapter in Earth’s history, the ‘Anthropocene’, or the human era? Not yet, scientists have decided, after a debate that lasted … Read more

Why the space sector is ‘far-reaching’

Rocket Lab (RKLB) will attempt to launch its first ‘Neutron’ rocket by the end of 2024. NASA, along with fourteen other companies, recently tapped Rocket Lab to help the space agency with payload integration services on suborbital rockets and high-altitude balloons. and orbital spacecraft and satellites. Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck joins Yahoo Finance to … Read more

AI permeates everyday life with virtually no oversight. States are doing everything they can to catch up

DENVER (AP) — While artificial intelligence made headlines with ChatGPT, the behind-the-scenes technology has quietly seeped into everyday life — screening resumes, applying for rental apartments and in some cases even determining medical care. While a number of AI systems have been found to be discriminatory and tip the balance in favor of certain races, … Read more

Hamilton hit by ransomware attack, city says it’s crippling services for the first time since the incident

Hamilton City Hall is the target of a ransomware attack. (Terry Asma/CBC – image credits) Hamilton is facing a ransomware attack, which has had major consequences for city services for over a week. City Manager Marnie Cluckie first mentioned the nature of the cyberattack during a virtual conversation Monday afternoon, along with Mayor Andrea Horwath. … Read more