Diet tips to maintain healthy creatinine levels

Published: Nov 27, 2023 4:45 PM IST

Kidneys play a key role in the complicated world of bodily functions. It manages the delicate balance of fluids, electrolytes and waste products. One of the most important markers of kidney health is creatinine, a byproduct of muscle metabolism. Basically, when creatinine levels rise, it indicates possible problems with kidney health. While there are several ways to keep your creatinine levels in check, include some of the healthiest foods in your diet. Let’s look at the best foods for creatinine levels that will help maintain these levels.

What are creatinine levels?

In simple terms, creatinine is a waste product created when the muscles break down a substance called creatine. It is a crucial molecule that helps produce energy for muscle contractions. Once creatine is used, it is converted into creatinine and transported to the kidneys where it is excreted in the urine. The level of creatinine in the blood is an important indicator of kidney function, but it is an indirect marker. Most Indian laboratories have a limit of 1.4 mg/dl. If the creatinine level is > 1.4, this immediately means that kidney function has decreased by 50%. The ideal marker for kidney function is eGFR, which is calculated using serum creatinine, explains Dr Atul Ingale, consultant nephrologist and transplant physician.

The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products and flushing them out in the urine. If the kidneys do not function properly, creatinine levels in the blood can build up.

Maintain healthy creatinine levels by eating healthy. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

What is the role of foods in controlling creatinine levels?

Elevated creatinine levels may indicate decreased kidney function, highlighting the importance of a kidney-friendly diet. Nutritionist Minal Shah says, “Protein intake, especially animal protein intake, affects creatinine levels. This is why kidney patients are recommended that their diet include a protein intake of 0.6 g/kg/day, with the ratio of vegetarian to non-vegetarian proteins being 1:1. Vegetarian proteins are ideal. If you have to compare non-vegetarian proteins, kidney patients should avoid red meat.”

While it is important to follow a healthy diet that promotes kidney health, it is important to consult a qualified healthcare provider who can perform the relevant test for proper evaluation and medical advice. In addition to medical intervention, it is crucial to make some lifestyle changes that can help you lower your creatinine levels. That said, let’s take a look at the best foods that will help you maintain your creatinine levels.

Follow a healthy diet to maintain creatinine levels

A few dietary interventions can help lower creatinine levels, including:

1. Reduce the protein content

Although protein is essential for muscle health, excessive amounts can lead to elevated creatinine levels. Eating a high-protein diet can put strain on the kidneys. Therefore, you need to control your protein intake. Choosing lean protein sources such as fish, poultry and plant-based proteins can help find a balance. Limit non-vegetarian proteins to once a week. One can switch to vegetarian proteins such as dals/milk and milk products and eggs that are easier to process. The exact amount is calculated based on body weight and creatinine levels by a registered dietitian/doctor, the nutritionist said.

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2. Avoid creatine supplements

Creatine is produced by the liver and transported to the muscles, where it increases energy and muscle growth. Creatine is broken down into creatinine. Creatine is added to oral protein supplements consumed to improve athletic performance. It should be avoided for people with elevated creatinine levels.

3. Drink more water

Did you know that not drinking enough water can lead to a buildup of creatinine levels in the kidneys? The nutritionist says not drinking enough water can affect creatinine levels. However, people with reduced kidney function should limit their water intake. A patient’s fluid intake may therefore also be limited, depending on kidney function or the type of kidney disease. You should contact your healthcare provider for daily fluid intake.

Also read: Stay hydrated to keep kidney disease at bay

4. Limit salt intake

Foods high in salt intake can cause high blood pressure, which further damages the kidneys. A study published in the Journal of Nephrology found that high salt intake can have detrimental effects on your kidney function, leading to problems. Foods high in salt intake can also cause your blood pressure to rise, which can damage your kidneys.

Processed foods like bakery items, ready-to-eat foods, ketchup, packaged foods, pickles, papad, etc. have very high sodium content and should be avoided completely. Consider using other flavorings like lemon, tamarind, kokum, tomato, pudina, spices, etc. to make the food tasty and palatable, the expert adds.

diet for kidney health
High salt intake can damage your kidneys. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. High fiber intake

Eating a high-fiber diet can help control your creatinine levels and reduce your risk of kidney disease. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that increasing dietary fiber can improve kidney function. However, more research is needed to confirm the effects of eating a high-fiber diet on your kidneys. High-fiber foods include whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. These foods may have higher potassium or phosphorus content. A structured plan based on the rest of the blood values ​​is recommended, the nutritionist advises.

Some precautions to control creatinine levels

It is vital to keep creatinine levels in check to maintain kidney health. You should avoid over-the-counter pain relievers such as NASIDS, quit smoking, and avoid alcohol. Not keeping up with the health of your kidneys can lead to chronic diseases. Maintaining your creatinine levels can be an early indication of the risk being high. It may be a temporary condition or a medical condition that requires intervention and should be treated by a qualified healthcare professional.

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